Load balancing with docker

I have configured a swarm 2 w630-docker with a manager node pi-manager

and a worker node pi-worker

on a stack 2 Raspberry Pi 3 Model 3 B running Raspbian. I created an image that runs a webpage of type helloworld on a local host, which also identifies the container the page is running on. Example:

sample docker image web page

From the docker node manager, I can create a "flairhello" service and then scale it to 2 continents (we'll call them A and B).

Expected Behavior:

The behavior I expected to get was that when I visited each localhost, I would get a webpage displaying the container id running on that host. For example, if it pi-manager

has a container A

and pi-worker

has a container B

. When I visit the localhost address pi-manager

, I expect to see the container ID A

, and when I find the localhost address from pi-worker

, I expect to see the container ID B

. This is NOT what is happening.

Current behavior:

The behavior I am experiencing is that for some time, if I am in localhost at the pi-manager

or level pi-worker

, I am directed to the container web page A

and then to the next section of time no matter which localhost ( pi-manager

or pi-worker

) I visit , I always head to the container B

. I'm guessing this is Docker's built-in rock load balancing?


How can I use a load balancer to get the behavior I want from my swarm?

What tools do I need to use? Compose docker? Haproxy image? (did they see the ones mentioned above on this?

Are there any good tutorials for this process?


The steps to create Network Load Balancing with HAProxy are in my answer below!


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2 answers

Yes, that's right. Docker road has a swarm routing grid https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/ingress/ and it's not sticky (ipvs) for every design. If you like being sticky you need to deploy a loadbalancer on your stack that supports session stickiness like Traefik ( https://traefik.io/ ).

But you can also go with Nginx like we do. β†’ https://github.com/n0r1sk/border-controller . But this is more difficult.



Thanks @kleinsasserm for pointing me in the right direction, I found a solution to my problem! I created a load balancer using the base docker image of HAProxy and its Round Robin load balancing algorithm to create a welcome web page that will display the container it is powered on, alternating between containers, each one refreshed! This is a lab project used to demonstrate load balancing with docker.

Steps for this solution:

To set up and configure this load balancer, I did the following:

  • Created HAProxy Docker Image

    • Create a directory for your image

      $ mkdir haproxyImage
      $ cd hapoxyImage

    • Create a docker file with the following content

      FROM haproxy:1.7
      COPY haproxy.cfg /usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

    • Create your haproxy.cfg


          log local0 notice 
          maxconn 256                 
          log     global
          mode    http
          option  httplog
          option  dontlognull
          retries 3
          option redispatch
          timeout connect  5000
          timeout client  10000
          timeout server  10000
      listen stats
          bind # This is the page you will access
          mode http
          stats enable
          stats uri /haproxy?stats
          stats realm Strictly\ Private
          stats auth A_Username:user
          stats auth Another_User:password
          balance roundrobin # Defines our balancing algorithm as round robin.
          option httpclose
          option forwardfor
          server pi-manager <ip address>:8080 check # Docker node
          server pi-worker1 <ip address>:8080 check # Docker node
          # Add more docker nodes here

    • Build a Docker image

      $ docker build -t swarm-haproxy .

  • Start the Docker Swarm service:

    $ docker service create -p 8080:80 --name helloworld --replicas 10 <image name>

  • Start with HAProxy image I am running this on the computer, not the pi stack

    $ docker run -d -p 80:80 swarm-haproxy

  • On the machine running the HAproxy image, go to to refresh the page to show different containers running the same service



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