Replace character with graph

Purpose : Replace consecutive asterisks by counting their surroundings with a tag sup



Hello, my name is Chris Happy*. My profile picture is a happy face.**

*: It not my actual name, but a nickname.
**: Well, my "last name" is happy, so I think it fitting.



Hello, my name is Chris Happy<sup>1</sup>. My profile picture is a happy face.<sup>2</sup>

<sup>1</sup>: It not my actual name, but a nickname.
<sup>2</sup>: Well, my "last name" is happy, so I think it fitting.


How could I effectively accomplish this?


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3 answers

You can use a regular expression with replace

, and the callback function can count the length of the match:

txt = txt.replace(/\*+/g, m => `<sup>${m.length}</sup>`);



var txt = `Hello, my name is Chris Happy*. My profile picture is a happy face.**

*: It not my actual name, but a nickname.
**: Well, my "last name" is happy, so I think it fitting.`;

txt = txt.replace(/\*+/g, m => `<sup>${m.length}</sup>`);


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Here's a very simple implementation. Some may call it brute force, but I think it's more calm.

var string = `Hello, my name is Chris Happy*. My profile picture is a happy face.**
*: It not my actual name, but a nickname.
**: Well, my "last name" is happy, so I think it fitting.`;

// Loop through the total string length because it may consist of only duplicates.
for (var i = string.length; i > 0; i--)
      string = string.replace(new RegExp("\\*{" + i + "}", "g"), "<sup>" + i + "</sup>");
// Display the string
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML= string;

<span id="output"></span>

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If you only want to replace astriks, you can use this simple RegExp:

var str = "Hello, my name is Chris Happy*. My profile picture is a happy face.**";
str = str.replace(/(\*)+/g, rep);

function rep(matches) {
  return '<sup>' + matches.length + '</sup>';

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 Hello, my name is Chris Happy<sup>1</sup>. My profile picture is a happy face.<sup>2</sup>.


JSFiddle : (look at the console)



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