Global Data with UserDefaults - Swift

I want to keep a String forever and access it across multiple front-end controllers using global data. This is my code to set the string on button click.

All codes below are found on interface controller 1

UserDefaults.standard.set("yellow", forKey: "newBingoColor")


This code is shown in the "Wake up with context" section:

    override func awake(withContext context: Any?) {
    super.awake(withContext: context)

    let newBingoColorObject = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "newBingoColor")

    if let newBingoColor = newBingoColorObject as? String {

        temporaryVars.newBingoColor = newBingoColor as! String




The problem is that the string is saved in temporaryVars.newBingoColor

and I can see it on the interface of Controler 2, but when I restart the program it temporaryVars.newBingoColor

prints like nothing in the interface controller 2. If I try to view it on the interface of Controller 1 even though it is displayed fine?

What's wrong here?


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1 answer

In your AppDelegate app add this line of code to your function applicationDidEnterBackground



And also add the same line after installing such a key:

UserDefaults.standard.set("yellow", forKey: "newBingoColor")




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