Bizzare identical incorrect results on various MWR2MM algorithms for multiplying montgomery RSA


I am trying to implement RSA 2048 in hardware (xilinx ZYNQ FPGA) using various Montgomery techniques. I am implementing the algorithm using Xilinx HLS (essentially C ++ code that is synthesized into hardware).

Note. To do this, treat it the same way as a standard C ++ implementation, except that I can have variables that act like bit vectors up to 4096 bits wide and access individual bits using foo[bit]

or foo.range(7,0)

syntax ... I haven't parallelized it yet, so it should behave just like standard C ++ code. Please don't be afraid and stop reading because I said the word FPGA and HLS. Just think of it as C ++ code.

I was able to get a working prototype that uses the standard square multiplication for modular exponentiation and the standard radix-2 MM algorithm for modular multiplication, however it takes up too much space on the FPGA and I need to use less resource intensive algorithms.

To save space, I am trying to implement Tenka-koc Scalable Plural Radix 2 Montgomery Multiplication (MWR2MM) . I fought with him for a month, but to no avail. However, there is an interesting problem related to my struggle that I cannot figure out.


My problem is that MWR2MM doesn't return the correct answer when doing Montgomery multiplication. However, I am beginning to think that this is not a coding error, but rather that I am instead simply misinterpreting something critical about the algorithm's use.

There are several variants of the MWR2MM algorithm with completely different implementations, and I have tried to implement many of them. I currently have 4 different MWR2MM encoding options based on modifications to the algorithm outlined in a number of papers. What makes me think that my implementations are actually correct is that all these different versions of the algorithm return the same WRONG answer! I don't think this is a coincidence, but I also don't think the published algorithms are wrong ... So I suppose that something more nefarious is actually happening and my implementations of the algorithm are correct.

Example 1

For example, take the original proposed MWR2MM presented in the tenca-koc document, which we call MWR2MM_CSA because all operations with the algorithm use a cumulative balance (CSA) when used in hardware.

  • S - partial sum
  • M - module
  • Y - animation
  • X is a multiplier and x_i (index) is one bit (for example, X = (x_n, ..., x_1, x_0).
  • The superscript are word vectors (e.g. M = (0, M ^ {e-1}, ..., M ^ 1, M ^ 0)
  • (A, B) is the concatenation of two bit vectors.
  • m - the width of the operands
  • w - width of the selected words
  • e is the number of w-bit words needed to complete vectors (e.g. e = ceil ((m + 1) / w))

enter image description here

My implementation of this algorithm uses the following parameters:

  • MWR2MM_m = 2048 (operand size, m from above)

  • MWR2MM_w = 8 (word size, w from above)

  • MWR2MM_e = ceil( (e+1)/w ) = 257 (number of words + 1 per operand, e from above)

  • ap_uint<NUM_BITS>

    is how you declare bit-vector in HLS

My code:

void mwr2mm_csa( ap_uint<MWR2MM_m> X,
                 ap_uint<MWR2MM_w> Y[MWR2MM_e+1],
                 ap_uint<MWR2MM_w> M[MWR2MM_e+1],
                 ap_uint<MWR2MM_m> *out)
    // Declare and zero partial sum S
    ap_uint<MWR2MM_w> S[MWR2MM_e] = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<MWR2MM_e; i++)
        S[i] = 0;

    // Two Carry bits
    ap_uint<1> Ca=0, Cb=0;

    for (int i=0; i<MWR2MM_m; i++)
        (Ca,S[0]) = X[i]*Y[0] + S[0]; // this is how HLS concatenates vectors, just like in the paper!
        if (S[0][0] == 1) // if the 0th bit of the 0th word is 1
            (Cb,S[0]) = S[0] + M[0];
            for (int j=1; j<=MWR2MM_e; j++)
                (Ca, S[j]) = Ca + X[i]*Y[j] + S[j];
                (Cb, S[j]) = Cb + M[j] + S[j];
                S[j-1] = ( S[j][0], S[j-1].range(MWR2MM_w-1,1) );
            for (int j=1; j<=MWR2MM_e; j++)
                (Ca, S[j]) = Ca + X[i]*Y[j] + S[j];
                S[j-1] = ( S[j][0], S[j-1].range(MWR2MM_w-1,1) );

    // copy the result to the output pointer
    for (int i=0; i<MWR2MM_e-1; i++)
        out->range(MWR2MM_w*i+(MWR2MM_w-1), MWR2MM_w*i) = S[i].to_uchar();


Now I understand that (quoting the above article)

the algorithm for multiplying Montgomery (MM) by two integers X and Y, with the required parameters for n bits of precision, will result in the number MM (X, Y, M) = XY (2 ^ -n) (modulo m), where r = 2 ^ n, and M is an integer in the range (2 ^ (n-1), 2 ^ (n)) such that gcd (r, M) = 1.since r = 2 ^ n, it is sufficient that the module M was an odd whole.

Hence, we should expect the following results (tested by w / software library):

X = 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
Y = 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
M = 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
MM(X,Y,M) = 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


But instead my algorithm returns

MWR2MM_csa(X,Y,M) = 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


Example 2

Ok, maybe the implementation was wrong. Let's try another modified version, the MWR2MM_CPA algorithm (named as the proxy provider used in the hardware): enter image description here

And my MWR2MM_CSA implementation:

void mwr2mm_cpa(rsaSize_t X, rsaSize_t Yin, rsaSize_t Min, rsaSize_t* out)
// extend operands to 2 extra words longer
ap_uint<MWR2MM_m+2*MWR2MM_w> Y = Yin; 
ap_uint<MWR2MM_m+2*MWR2MM_w> M = Min;
ap_uint<MWR2MM_m+2*MWR2MM_w> S = 0;

ap_uint<2> C = 0;
bit_t qi = 0;

// unlike the previous example, we store the concatenations in a temporary variable
ap_uint<10> temp_concat=0; 

for (int i=0; i<MWR2MM_m; i++)
    qi = (X[i]*Y[0]) xor S[0];

    // C gets top two bits of temp_concat, j'th word of S gets bottom 8 bits of temp_concat
    temp_concat = X[i]*Y.range(MWR2MM_w-1,0) + qi*M.range(MWR2MM_w-1,0) + S.range(MWR2MM_w-1,0);
    C = temp_concat.range(9,8);
    S.range(MWR2MM_w-1,0) = temp_concat.range(7,0);

    for (int j=1; j<=MWR2MM_e; j++)
        temp_concat = C + X[i]*Y.range(MWR2MM_w*j+(MWR2MM_w-1), MWR2MM_w*j) + qi*M.range(MWR2MM_w*j+(MWR2MM_w-1), MWR2MM_w*j) + S.range(MWR2MM_w*j+(MWR2MM_w-1), MWR2MM_w*j);
        C = temp_concat.range(9,8);
        S.range(MWR2MM_w*j+(MWR2MM_w-1), MWR2MM_w*j) = temp_concat.range(7,0);

        S.range(MWR2MM_w*(j-1)+(MWR2MM_w-1), MWR2MM_w*(j-1)) = (S.bit(MWR2MM_w*j), S.range( MWR2MM_w*(j-1)+(MWR2MM_w-1), MWR2MM_w*(j-1)+1));
    S.range(S.length()-1, S.length()-MWR2MM_w) = 0;

*out = S;



When started with the same X, Y, and M, this also returns the same incorrect result as MWR2MM_CSA, despite different bit-level operations.

MWR2MM_cpa(X,Y,M) = 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


For the sake of brevity, I will spare you two other algorithms that also return the same incorrect result. It should be noted that both of these algorithms work correctly when used with a 4-bit operand size and a 2-bit word size. However, any other combinations of operand word size and word size are incorrect, but have the same incorrect result for all four different bit-level implementations.

I cannot understand for a lifetime why all four algorithms return the same wrong result. My code in the first example is literally the same as the algorithm outlined in the tenca-koc paper!

Am I wrong in assuming that the MWR2MM algorithm should return the same result (in the montgomery domain) as the standard radix-2 MM algorithm? They have the same radius, so the results should be the same regardless of the word size. Should I not change these algorithms with each other?

Sorry for the long post, but I want to be very precise and consistent in explaining what the problem is. I am not asking for help in debugging my code , but rather trying to figure out if I do not understand the basic function of montgomery's multiplication algorithms. Also curious why different implementations give the same WRONG result .



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1 answer

The problem is that your algorithm actually returns:



which is greater than M. If you subtract M from this, you get the expected response:

Both algorithms return a value in the range 0 to 2 * M, so if the answer is greater than or equal to M, you need a final subtraction step.

In other words, if you test your algorithm with randomly selected X and Y, you should find that it gives the correct answer half the time.

From section 2 of the article:

Thus, only one conditional subtraction is needed to bring S [n] into the required range 0 ≤ S [n] M. This subtraction will be omitted in the following discussion, as it is independent of the specific algorithm and architecture and can be considered as part of post-processing ...



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