PowerCLI variable behavior strange

An attempt was made to collect several properties of virtual machines, but for some reason all output records only contain information about the last virtual machine


basically contains a couple of virtual machine names:



Here is the code I'm using:

$VMdata = @()
$line = '' | Select VMName, VMToolStatus, VMToolVersion, UUID, Tag, Notes

foreach($entry in $csv){
    $line.VMName = $entry.VMname
    $line.VMToolStatus = (get-vm $entry.VMname).ExtensionData.Guest.ToolsRunningStatus
    $line.VMToolVersion = (get-vm $entry.VMname).ExtensionData.Guest.ToolsVersion
    $line.UUID = (get-vm $entry.VMname).ExtensionData.Config.UUID
    $line.Notes = (get-vm $entry.VMname).Notes
    $line.Tag = get-vm $entry.VMname | Get-TagAssignment | Select -ExpandProperty Tag  | select Name
    $VMdata += $line

$VMdata | Export-Csv -Path c:\report.csv -NoTypeInformation -Force


here is the CSV output - as you can see both lines contain information about VM Centos2.


"CentOS2","guestToolsRunning","2147483647","564d7fd7-e58f-e546-ecdf-c347e35cd453",,"Test Note",

"CentOS2","guestToolsRunning","2147483647","564d7fd7-e58f-e546-ecdf-c347e35cd453",,"Test Note",


When I debug it, I see that after the first loop, the $line

correct VM Centos1 information is updated and then added to $VMData


However, when the second loop starts, for example after execution, line.VMName = $entry.VMname

I see both variables $line

and $VMData

are updated with the name CentOS2.

So my question is, why is it $VMData

updated along with $line


I've used this piece of code before and it worked great.

I am running the following PS version

Major  Minor  Build  Revision
-----  -----  -----  --------
5      1      14393  1480 


VMware PowerCLI 6.5 Release 1 build 4624819


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1 answer

You can fix this by moving the part $line = ''

inside the loop ForEach


$VMdata = @()

foreach($entry in $csv){
    $line = '' | Select VMName, VMToolStatus, VMToolVersion, UUID, Tag, Notes
    $line.VMName = $entry.VMname
    $line.VMToolStatus = (get-vm $entry.VMname).ExtensionData.Guest.ToolsRunningStatus
    $line.VMToolVersion = (get-vm $entry.VMname).ExtensionData.Guest.ToolsVersion
    $line.UUID = (get-vm $entry.VMname).ExtensionData.Config.UUID
    $line.Notes = (get-vm $entry.VMname).Notes
    $line.Tag = get-vm $entry.VMname | Get-TagAssignment | Select -ExpandProperty Tag  | select Name
    $VMdata += $line

$VMdata | Export-Csv -Path c:\report.csv -NoTypeInformation -Force


I believe the problem occurs because in this case the PowerShell variable acts as a pointer (reference type), so when updated a $line

second time, it actually affects the existing result in $vmdata


By moving $line = ''

around inside the loop, you reset the variable on each iteration so that it doesn't fire that way.

I really recommend that you do this instead:

$CSV | ForEach-Object {
    $Props = @{
        VMName = $_.VMname
        VMToolStatus = (get-vm $_.VMname).ExtensionData.Guest.ToolsRunningStatus
        VMToolVersion = (get-vm $_.VMname).ExtensionData.Guest.ToolsVersion
        UUID = (get-vm $_.VMname).ExtensionData.Config.UUID
        Notes = (get-vm $_.VMname).Notes
        Tag = (get-vm $_.VMname | Get-TagAssignment | Select -ExpandProperty Tag  | select Name)
    New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Props
} | Export-Csv -Path c:\report.csv -NoTypeInformation -Force


This uses a hash table to create a PowerShell object in a ForEach-Object loop, which you can then pipe the output to Export-CSV directly.



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