How to configure the Logstash IMAP plugin to receive email from an SMTP server

I have an SMTP server (using a SMTP virtual server on a Windows 2012 server) and a CentOS machine. On a CentOS machine, I have installed ELK. Now I want to configure Logstash to receive email from SMTP server using the IMAP plugin.

Please help me.

Thank you very much.


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1 answer

Below is the logstash config below. Please change the settings and output the plugins according to your needs.


        host => "SERVER_IP"
        user => "USERNAME"
        password => "************"
        port => PORT_NUMBER
        secure => true/false
        check_interval => INTERVAL_SECONDS
        codec => "json"


Then start logstash using the following command

bin/logstash -f "logstash.conf"


This should check email for every configured check_interval duration in seconds and fire an event.



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