Transliteration Algolia Cyrillic Strings

Does anyone have any experience with Algolia and transliteration? For example, indices contain Cyrillic text, but the user types in Latin letters.


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2 answers

Unfortunately, most search engines don't natively support transliteration; the same for Algolia.

The best way to handle this use case is to enrich your objects with transliterated attributes before submitting them to a search engine.

Perhaps you can try gausby / translitit-cyrillic-russian-to-latin ?



Just add one little clarification. Let it be said that we have one field such as a name and many names.

you can create an object like


     name: 'whatever',
     translations: {
          ru: ' ',
          he: 'οτιδήποτε',
          de: 'was auch immer'


Then you will enter your desired attributes name,, translations.he,, so that the search will return "whatever" when the user enters "without pa", for example.



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