Try Catch not catching ": unknown I / O error" - I / O warning: Failed to load external object
The code below it is part of the function. The getLatestFileName function gets the correct filename (stored locally).
The error was caused by tryCatch: result <- try (xbrlDoAll ...) Although I tried to catch it with try and try catch function, I even changed the parameters show.error.messages = FALSE. I keep getting the following output which causes R to crash:
[1] "STEP 1"
Error: Unknown I / O error
I / O warning: Failed to load external object "
Based on what I typed, I believe the error is caused by the XBRL package when it tries to get information from the above URL.
Can anyone help me?
instance <- getLatestFileName(ticker, date, type)
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
result <- NA
#result <- try(xbrlDoAll(instance, cache.dir = "XBRLcache", prefix.out = NULL), silent = TRUE)
print("STEP 1")
options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
result <- try(xbrlDoAll(instance, cache.dir = NULL, prefix.out = NULL), silent = TRUE)
}, warning <- function(w) {
result <- NA
}, error = function(e) {
result <- NA
}, finally <- {
print("FINAL STEP")
print("we did get here")
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I solved this particular problem by placing all taxonomy files from 2008 in my XBRLCache folder.
I have downloaded the correct files (not empty as was the error) from this link:
There might be a problem loading the page as I've seen it doesn't always work. These servers are probably too busy.
I hope this works for other people too!
Too bad I didn't solve the awkward problem.
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