Concatenate subscriptions with ::

I am trying to build a string using ":" and then write that string to a file. The function gets two lists that include strings that represent amounts of money

[["$123,123,123", "$68,656", "$993,993,993,993", "$123,141,142,142"],
 ["$60", "$800,600", "$700,600,500", "$20,200,200,201"]]


It should be written as



I currently have something like this:

def save_amount (amount, moneys):
    with open (moneys, "w") as file:
        for i in amount:
            moneys_s = str(i)


How to proceed?


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3 answers

Flatten the list first, then use join

, use list:

>>> [ ':'.join('"' + j + '"' for j in i) for i in l ]




'"' + '":"'.join( str(j) for i in money for j in i) + '"'


where money is your list of lists



l = [["$123,123,123", "$68,656", "$993,993,993,993", "$123,141,142,142"],
     ["$60", "$800,600", "$700,600,500", "$20,200,200,201"]]
[ ':'.join('"' + j + '"' for j in i) for i in l ]







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