Populating multiple Datagridviews with streaming data

I've been struggling with this issue for quite a few days. It seems like every single example I've seen relies on real data. But in my case, I have a stream that is processed and split into multiple lines of arrays and with these I populate my DGVs. The only (working) solution is

public void AddRowsToDGVs()
    for (int i = 0; i < dtblRepository.Length; i++)
        if (dgvRepository[i].InvokeRequired)
            dgvRepository[i].Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                foreach (String[] datao in dataToAdd.GetConsumingEnumerable())
                    int indexOfDGV = Array.IndexOf(activeDatas, datao[0]);
                    dgvRepository[indexOfDGV].Rows.Insert(0, datao);


Some explain:

  • dtblRepository is an array of arrays of data (at the moment it provides the index, but later, maybe I'll reset it.
  • dgvRepository array containing DGV
  • dataToAdd BlockingCollection populated from another procedure
  • activeDatas Array containing elements with which the stream will be processed AND yes, all code depends on Application.DoEvents()

    All code works as follows: trd = new Thread(AddRowsToDGVs);


Eveyone seems to point to async / await, but I just can't seem to find a pattern that suits my needs .... can I get some help :)


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