When is Java loop predicate optimization triggered by the C2 JIT compiler?

I am trying to understand native code generated from a Java loop. The native code should be optimized by the C2 compiler, but in my simple example it seems that some optimizations are missing.

This is a Java method I wrote with a minimal example https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/HotSpot/LoopPredication :

104    public static byte[] myLoop(int init, int limit, int stride, int scale, int offset, byte value, byte[] array) {
105     for (int i = init; i < limit; i += stride) {
106         array [ scale * i + offset] = value;
107     }
108     return array;
109    }


These are the arguments provided by VM 8 Hotspot VM to force build C2:



This is amd64 native code generated by C2 ('myLoop' is called at least 10,000 times):

  # {method} {0x00007fcb5088ef38} 'myLoop' '(IIIIIB[B)[B' in 'MyClass'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
  # parm0:    rsi       = int
  # parm1:    rdx       = int
  # parm2:    rcx       = int
  # parm3:    r8        = int
  # parm4:    r9        = int
  # parm5:    rdi       = byte
  # parm6:    [sp+0x40]   = '[B'  (sp of caller)
  0x00007fcd44ee9fe0: mov     %eax,0xfffffffffffec000(%rsp)
  0x00007fcd44ee9fe7: push    %rbp
  0x00007fcd44ee9fe8: sub     $0x30,%rsp        ;*synchronization entry
                                                ; - MyClass::myLoop@-1 (line 105)

  0x00007fcd44ee9fec: cmp     %edx,%esi
  0x00007fcd44ee9fee: jnl     0x7fcd44eea04a    ;*if_icmplt
                                                ; - MyClass::myLoop@27 (line 105)

  0x00007fcd44ee9ff0: mov     0x40(%rsp),%rax
  0x00007fcd44ee9ff5: mov     0x10(%rax),%r10d  ;*bastore
                                                ; - MyClass::myLoop@17 (line 106)
                                                ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x00007fcd44eea051
  0x00007fcd44ee9ff9: nopl    0x0(%rax)         ;*aload
                                                ; - MyClass::myLoop@6 (line 106)

  0x00007fcd44eea000: mov     %esi,%ebx
  0x00007fcd44eea002: imull   %r8d,%ebx
  0x00007fcd44eea006: add     %r9d,%ebx         ;*iadd
                                                ; - MyClass::myLoop@14 (line 106)

  0x00007fcd44eea009: cmp     %r10d,%ebx
  0x00007fcd44eea00c: jnb     0x7fcd44eea02e    ;*bastore
                                                ; - MyClass::myLoop@17 (line 106)

  0x00007fcd44eea00e: add     %ecx,%esi         ;*iadd
                                                ; - MyClass::myLoop@21 (line 105)

  0x00007fcd44eea010: movsxd  %ebx,%r11
  0x00007fcd44eea013: mov     %dil,0x18(%rax,%r11)  ; OopMap{rax=Oop off=56}
                                                ; - MyClass::myLoop@27 (line 105)

  0x00007fcd44eea018: test    %eax,0xa025fe2(%rip)  ;   {poll}
  0x00007fcd44eea01e: cmp     %edx,%esi
  0x00007fcd44eea020: jl      0x7fcd44eea000    ;*synchronization entry
                                                ; - MyClass::myLoop@-1 (line 105)

  0x00007fcd44eea022: add     $0x30,%rsp
  0x00007fcd44eea026: pop     %rbp
  0x00007fcd44eea027: test    %eax,0xa025fd3(%rip)  ;   {poll_return}
  0x00007fcd44eea02d: retq
  0x00007fcd44eea02e: movabs  $0x7fcca3c810a8,%rsi  ;   {oop(a 'java/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException')}
  0x00007fcd44eea038: movq    $0x0,0x18(%rsi)   ;*bastore
                                                ; - MyClass::myLoop@17 (line 106)

  0x00007fcd44eea040: add     $0x30,%rsp
  0x00007fcd44eea044: pop     %rbp
  0x00007fcd44eea045: jmpq    0x7fcd44e529a0    ;   {runtime_call}
  0x00007fcd44eea04a: mov     0x40(%rsp),%rax
  0x00007fcd44eea04f: jmp     0x7fcd44eea022
  0x00007fcd44eea051: mov     %edx,%ebp
  0x00007fcd44eea053: mov     %ecx,0x40(%rsp)
  0x00007fcd44eea057: mov     %r8d,0x44(%rsp)
  0x00007fcd44eea05c: mov     %r9d,(%rsp)
  0x00007fcd44eea060: mov     %edi,0x4(%rsp)
  0x00007fcd44eea064: mov     %rax,0x8(%rsp)
  0x00007fcd44eea069: mov     %esi,0x10(%rsp)
  0x00007fcd44eea06d: mov     $0xffffff86,%esi
  0x00007fcd44eea072: nop
  0x00007fcd44eea073: callq   0x7fcd44dea1a0    ; OopMap{[8]=Oop off=152}
                                                ; - MyClass::myLoop@6 (line 106)
                                                ;   {runtime_call}
  0x00007fcd44eea078: callq   0x7fcd4dc47c50    ;*aload
                                                ; - MyClass::myLoop@6 (line 106)
                                                ;   {runtime_call}
  0x00007fcd44eea07d: hlt
  0x00007fcd44eea07e: hlt
  0x00007fcd44eea07f: hlt


According to https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/HotSpot/LoopPredication , one optimization called "array range elimination" eliminates array range checks in a loop, but adds a loop predicate before the loop. It seems this optimization was not done on "myLoop" C2. Jump back to 0x7fcd44eea020 and back to 0x7fcd44eea000 . Inside the loop, there is still a range check at 0x7fcd44eea009-0x7fcd44eea00c .

  • Why is there still a check in the loop?
  • Why hasn't the loop predicate optimization been run?
  • How can I force all the optimizations?

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1 answer

The explanation is right here on the same page :

In the above example, the requirements for precision execution cycle to exclude array Temperature Range: init

, limit

, offset

and array

a - this loop invariants and stride

and scale

- a compile-time constants.

In your example, scale

and stride

are not compile-time constants, so no optimization is done.

However, if you call this method with constant arguments, HotSpot will be able to eliminate range checks from inling and constant propagation optimizations.



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