Issue with Firebase 4.0.4 and iOS 11 - Beta 4

After compiling (xCode 9 - Beta 4) the QS Firebase Messaging sample code, when running the sample on a running device (iOS 11 - Beta 4) we get the following error.

MessagingExampleSwift [354: 15228] TIC TCP Conn failed [1: 0x1c4361e00]: 1:50 Err (50) MessagingExampleSwift [354: 15228] Problem. <1> HTTP download failed (error code: -1009 [1:50]) MessagingExampleSwift [354: 15226] Task. <1> ended with error code: -1009

Executing the same code on a running device (iOS 10.3) does not get an error.

As a result, we will not be able to load the FCM token correctly.

Does anyone know of a compatibility issue between Firebase 4.0.4 and iOS 11?

We added an issue to the GIT Repo for QS messaging


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