Scrolling horizontally to the next element inside the container prevents standard scrolling
I have a Facebook news feed to display an inline-infinite horizontal scrolling container that should only scroll news items and prevent continuous scrolling by default.
This manually entered code already focuses (not quite) on specific news, for example. focusNews = 1 → the first news container is focused. Since I know that each container is 500px wide and I am animating the parent position of the container to bring the desired element into focus.
$(".fbNews").animate({left: -(focusedNews - 1) * 500}, 500);
First, I determine which direction the user who is running is scrolling in and writes the direction to the console. Then I either add or subtract 1 in focusNews Index, but the scroll event happens more often than once. I thought about _.debounce or _. scrolling event fading, but it didn't help.
How can I animate the next or previous scroll element and prevent the default behavior?
I use the fullpageJS library for such effects on vertical scrolls and horizontal slides in other projects, but the library only works for full pages, not inside other containers.
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The sly.js library fills in everything needed . The horizontal scrolling behavior works in any container on the site.
I have updated the JSFiddle to work with this library. Fiddle
var sly = new Sly( frame, options [, callbackMap ] );
It's not in vanilla JS, but it works really well, even in a mobile browser with a touch interface and is easy to use with useful events like active
sly.on('active', function (eventName) {
//do Something if an element got activated
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