VueJS filter array based on input

I have a vuejs application and I am trying to filter an array based on input from a form.

The problem is my array is autocomplete

not getting populated by visitors who match the request for the first name.


<input class="input" placeholder="First Name" v-model="visitor.first" @keyup.enter="searchVisitors">


My Vue Instance

new Vue({

  el: '#app',

  data: {
    previousVisitors: [],
    autocomplete: [],
    visitor: {}

  mounted() {
    axios.get('/visitors/all').then(response => this.previousVisitors =;

  methods: {

      var q = this.visitor.first;
      this.autocomplete = this.previousVisitors.filter(item => {return item.firstName === q});


I can confirm the answer from the axioms, which is currently populating an array previousVisitors

that contains firstName

every previous visitor.

What am I doing wrong?


source to share

1 answer

Yours is v-model

set to visitor.first

, but you're filtering based on firstName


Change your code to use v-model="visitor.firstName"


There are other problems that can cause problems later. First, you dynamically add the value to visitor

. This refers to changing detection bypass and this value will not be reactive. You must initialize this value.

data: {
  visitor:{firstName: ''}


Also, you should actually use the computed value for the filter. Here's a complete example.


const visitors = [{
    firstName: "bob"
    firstName: "mary"
    firstName: "susan"
    firstName: "Phillip"


new Vue({

  el: '#app',

  data: {
    previousVisitors: [],
    visitor: {
      firstName: ''

  mounted() {
    // axios.get('/visitors/all').then(response => this.previousVisitors =;
    setTimeout(() => this.previousVisitors = visitors)
  computed: {
    autocomplete() {
      return this.previousVisitors.filter(v => v.firstName === this.visitor.firstName)

<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
  <input class="input" placeholder="First Name" v-model="visitor.firstName"> {{autocomplete}}

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