Find nearest / closest button Selenium

I'm working with selenium to auto-fill some <input>

on my site. I have multiple inputs that are identical, each with an input field and a submit button. I want to post a string in each input field and submit it (site does not reload).

input = driver.find_elements_by_class_name('cdRecord')
for in in inputs:
    nr = str(randint(0, 1000))
    NEXT_BUTTON_XPATH = '//button[@type="submit" and @title="next"]' #this does not work


I first take everything input

and then iterate over them The problem is that it fills every input but always clicks on the same button.

So my question is, how do I find the closest button?

I found this one , but if I want to use xpath

and following-sibling

, I will also need to select id

and change the path in each iteration like:

x = fetch id from the input field?
driver.find_element_by_xpath("//input[@id, "x"]/following-sibling::button")


Is there an easy solution to find the closest item to the selected item?


source to share

1 answer

You can use in.get_attribute('id')

to extract id


Alternatively, you can also select following-sibling::button

for a given element using XPath:




  • .

    - selects the current node ( <input>

  • //

    - selection of nodes in the document
    • following-sibling::button

      - where siblings after the current node are <button>




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