Top button in native base

I have a button with a facebook icon

<Button iconLeft block > <Icon name='logo-facebook' /> <Text>Login with facebook</Text> </Button>


with the text "Login with facebook", but it displays "LOGIN WITH FACEBOOK". I've tried with capize = {false}, but I don't hope. Is there any way? NB version: 2.2.1


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3 answers

are you using Native Base

Right? maybe you can try this.

you can change this code:

<Button iconLeft block > 
 <Icon name='logo-facebook' /> 
 <Text> {'Login with facebook'.toUpperCase()} </Text>



<Button iconLeft block > 
 <Icon name='logo-facebook' /> 
 <Text uppercase={false}> {'Login with facebook'.toUpperCase()} </Text>


just using uppercase={false}

in tag <text>

, hope it can help you :)



Try the following:

 text.capitalize-lowercase {text-transform: lowercase;}
text.capitalize-uppercase {text-transform: uppercase;}

<button iconleft block> <icon name='logo-facebook' /> <text class="capitalize-uppercase">Login with facebook</text> </button>
 <br/> <br/>
<button iconleft block> <icon name='logo-facebook' /> <text class="capitalize-lowercase">Login with facebook</text> </button>

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I think text conversion is not currently supported by editing my own style. So you can try something like this

<Button iconLeft block > 
 <Icon name='logo-facebook' /> 
 <Text> {'Login with facebook'.toUpperCase()} </Text>




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