In Typescript, how can I implement a function interface with overloads?

I am using Typescript 2.3.3

I am trying to create a nice API for some code I write, so I am experimenting with what is possible in generics Typescript.

I would like to be able to call a function with a generic type and use that type to present a selection to the user, some of which might be functions with different signatures.

Here's my attempt.

I have declared an interface with two bare function signals (two options that I would like to present to the developer):

interface api<T1> {

  <T2>(second: T2):  {
    first: T1
    second: T2;

  <T2, T3>(second: T2, third: T3):  {
    first: T1
    second: T2;
    third: T3;



And I create a function that contains the implementations of each function signature using the generic type parameter passed to it:

const test = <TFirst>(first: TFirst) : api<TFirst> => {

  const impl1 = <T2>(second: T2) => ({
    first, second

  const impl2 = <T2, T3>(second: T2, third: T3) =>({
    first, second, third

  return ...?


I have no idea where to assign these implementations or how to create a returned object that conforms to the api spec.

Is it possible?


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1 answer

It is possible. You can do something like this:

interface api<T1> {

  <T2>(second: T2):  {
    first: T1;
    second: T2;

  <T2, T3>(second: T2, third: T3):  {
    first: T1;
    second: T2;
    third: T3;

function createApi<T1>(first: T1): api<T1> {

  function impl<T2>(second: T2): { first: T1; second: T2; };
  function impl<T2, T3>(second: T2, third: T3): { first: T1; second: T2; third: T3; };
  function impl<T2, T3>(second: T2, third?: T3): { first: T1; second: T2; third?: T3; } {
    if (third === undefined) {
      return { first, second };
    return { first, second, third };

  return impl;

const test = createApi<number>(1);
console.log(test(2, 3));


The function createApi

only returns an internal, overloaded function.

For more information on TypeScript overloads, see the Overloads section in the documentation .



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