Why does Forth reserve two cells per variable?

While trying to figure out how Forth manages the dictionary (and memory in general), I came across this page. Being familiar with C, I have no problem with the concept of pointers and I suppose I got it right. However, there are some exercises at the end of the page , and I noticed something strange here.

Exercise 9.4, assuming what is DATE

defined as VARIABLE

, asks what is the difference between




' DATE .


and Exercise 9.5 does the same using a custom variable BASE


As per the answers provided, both phrases will give the same result (also with BASE

). Trying to do this with Win32Forth , however, gives results with 4 bytes (1 cell) difference. Here's what I did:

here . 4494668  ok
variable x  ok
x . 4494672  ok
' x . 4494668  ok


Creating another variable gives a similar result:

variable y  ok
y . 4494680  ok
' y . 4494676  ok


So it looks like each variable gets not one cell (for the value), but two cells. The variable itself points to where the actual value is stored and retrieving the content in the execution token (using ' x ?

) gives 0040101F

for both variables.

For exercise 9.5 my results are:

base . 195F90  ok
' base . 40B418  ok


They are not even close to each other. However, the answer to this exercise indicates that the results may depend on how it is defined BASE


Returning to normal variables, my main question is, why are two cells reserved for each variable?


  • Since only one cell contains the actual value, what does the contents of the other cell mean?
  • Is this specific to Win32Forth? What happens in other implementations?
  • Is this different for runtime and compile time variables?
  • How do the answers to the above questions apply to custom variables (e.g. BASE


EDIT1: Ok, so Forth also stores a header for each variable, and with, '

you get the address of that header. From my tests, I would then end up that the header only uses one cell, which doesn't match all the information the header should contain. Second, according to the exercise, getting the address of a variable should give the same result in both cases, which seems to contradict the existence of the header at all.

My sense of feeling is that this is all very implementation specific. If so, what is happening in Win32Forth and what should happen according to the exercise?


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1 answer

This is roughly what the definition looks like in a dictionary using a traditional memory layout. Note that the implementation can vary significantly from this, sometimes a lot. In particular, the order of the fields can be different.

Link to previous word (one cell)
Flags (a few bits)
Name length (one byte, less a few bits)
Name string (variable)
Code field (one cell)
Parameter field (variable)


Everything except the code and parameter fields is considered a header. The code field usually comes right before the parameters field.

Including a word with '

gives you an XT or an execution token. It could be anything implementation related, but in many cases it is the address of the code field.

Doing a word created with CREATE


gives you the address of the parameter field.

This is probably why in Win32Forth two addresses differ by 4 bytes or one cell. I don't know why there should be no difference in the answers to the exercises.

Assuming it BASE

is a custom variable, it probably works like this: each task has its own custom scope in which the custom variables are allocated. All user variables know their specific offset within this scope. Ticking BASE

gives you XT, which is the same for all tasks. Execution BASE

calculates the address by adding its offset to the base of the user area.



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