Getting video file types formats from UTI

I am creating a video editing application that uses AVFoundation

. When the user goes to import their video (via the browser NSOpenPanel

), I want to allow them to choose the acceptable video formats supported AVFoundation


You can get these accepted formats by calling audioVisualTypes()

AVURLAsset. However, these formats include a lot of gibberish / things that I don't need, like:





Does anyone have any idea on how to parse them into a simple array of file extensions? Thanks to


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1 answer

You want to use the UTTypeCopyPreferredTagWithClass function. Try this on the playground.

import MobileCoreServices
import AVFoundation

let avTypes = AVURLAsset.audiovisualTypes()

let anAVType = avTypes[0]

if let ext = UTTypeCopyPreferredTagWithClass(anAVType as CFString,kUTTagClassFilenameExtension)?.takeRetainedValue() {
    print("The AVType \(anAVType) has extension '\(ext)'")
else {
    print("Can't find the extension for the AVType '\(anAVType)")


let avExtensions ={UTTypeCopyPreferredTagWithClass($0 as CFString,kUTTagClassFilenameExtension)?.takeRetainedValue() as String? ?? ""})

print("All extensions = \(avExtensions)\n")

avExtensions = avExtensions.filter { $0.isEmpty == false }

print("All extensions filtered = \(avExtensions)\n")

print("First extension = '\(avExtensions[0])'")
print("Second extension = '\(avExtensions[1])'")
print("Third extension = '\(avExtensions[2])'")



The AVType AVFileType(_rawValue: public.pls-playlist) has extension 'pls'

All extensions = ["pls", "", "aifc", "m4r", "", "", "wav", "", "", "3gp", "3g2", "", "", "", "flac", "avi", "m2a", "", "aa", "", "aac", "mpa", "", "", "", "", "", "m3u", "mov", "aiff", "ttml", "", "m4v", "", "", "amr", "caf", "m4a", "mp4", "mp1", "", "m1a", "mp4", "mp2", "mp3", "itt", "au", "eac3", "", "", "webvtt", "", "", "vtt", "ac3", "m4p", "", "", "mqv"]

All extensions filtered = ["pls", "aifc", "m4r", "wav", "3gp", "3g2", "flac", "avi", "m2a", "aa", "aac", "mpa", "m3u", "mov", "aiff", "ttml", "m4v", "amr", "caf", "m4a", "mp4", "mp1", "m1a", "mp4", "mp2", "mp3", "itt", "au", "eac3", "webvtt", "vtt", "ac3", "m4p", "mqv"]

First extension = 'pls'
Second extension = 'aifc'
Third extension = 'm4r'




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