How to use abs function in JuMP + Julia objective function

I would like to solve a simple linear optimization problem with JuMP and Julia. This is my code:

using JuMP
using Mosek

model = Model(solver=MosekSolver())

@variable(model, 2.5 <= z1 <= 5.0)
@variable(model, -1.0 <= z2 <= 1.0)
@objective(model, Min, abs(z1+5.0) + abs(z2-3.0))

status = solve(model)
println("Objective value: ", getobjectivevalue(model)) 


However, I got this error message.

> ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching
> abs(::JuMP.GenericAffExpr{Float64,JuMP.Variable}) Closest candidates
> are:   abs(!Matched::Bool) at bool.jl:77   abs(!Matched::Float16) at
> float.jl:512   abs(!Matched::Float32) at float.jl:513


How can I use abs function in JuMP code?


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1 answer

My problem was solved by @ rickhg12hs commnet. If I use @NLobjective instead of @objective it works. This is the final code.

using JuMP
using Mosek

model = Model(solver=MosekSolver())

@variable(model, 2.5 <= z1 <= 5.0)
@variable(model, -1.0 <= z2 <= 1.0)
@NLobjective(model, Min, abs(z1+5.0) + abs(z2-3.0))

status = solve(model)
println("Objective value: ", getobjectivevalue(model)) 




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