Can I intelligently break these numeric strings?

I have a sequence of lines like this:

x  <-  c("4/757.1%", "0/10%", "6/1060%", "0/0-%", "11/2055%")


These are the fractions and the percentage of said fractions that have somehow come together somewhere. Thus, the value of the first number in example 4 of 7 is 57.1%. I can easily get the first number before / (with, say, stringr::word(x, 1, sep = "/")

), but the second number can be one or two characters long, so it's hard for me to think of a way to accomplish it. I don't need the% value as it is easy enough to recalculate as soon as I get the numbers.

Can anyone see a way to do this?


source to share

3 answers

A kind of ugly solution that seems to do what you want:

x  <-  c("4/757.1%", "0/10%", "6/1060%", "0/0-%", "11/2055%")

split_perc <- function(x,signif_digits=1){
  x = gsub("%","",x)
  if(grepl("-",x)) return(list(NA,NA))
  index1 = gregexpr("/",x)[[1]][1]+1
  index2 = gregexpr("\\.",x)[[1]][1]-2

  indices = seq(index1,index2)
  while(!found & k<=length(indices))
    str1 =substr(x,1,indices[k])
    num2 = as.numeric(strsplit(str1,"/")[[1]][2])
    value1 = round(num1/num2*100,signif_digits)
    value2 = round(as.numeric(substr(x,indices[k]+1,nchar(x))),signif_digits)



     [,1] [,2]
[1,] 4    7   
[2,] 0    1   
[3,] 6    10  
[4,] NA   NA  
[5,] 11   20  


A few examples:

y = c("11/2055.003%","11/2055.2%","40/7057.1%"),lapply(y,split_perc))

     [,1] [,2]
[1,] 11   20   # default significant digits is 1, so match found.
[2,] NA   NA   # no match found since 55.1!=55.2
[3,] 40   70  




Solution from tidyverse

and stringr

. We can define a function to split all possible positions for the second number and calculate the percentage to see which one makes sense. df2

is a data frame showing the best split position and the number you want is in the column V3



x <- c("4/757.1%", "0/10%", "6/1060%", "0/0-%", "11/2055%")

dt <- str_split_fixed(x, pattern = "/", n = 2) %>%
  as_data_frame() %>%
  mutate(ID = 1:n()) %>%
  select(ID, V1, V2)

# Design a function to spit the second column based on position
split_df <- function(position, dt){
  dt_temp <- dt %>%
    mutate(V3 = str_sub(V2, 1, position)) %>%
    mutate(V4 =  str_sub(V2, position + 1)) %>%
    mutate(Pos = position)


# Process the data
dt2 <- map_df(1:3, split_df, dt = dt) %>%
  # Remove % in V4
  mutate(V4 = str_replace(V4, "%", "")) %>%
  # Convert V1, V3 and V4 to numeric
  mutate_at(vars(V1, V3, V4), funs(as.numeric)) %>%
  # Calculate possible percentage
  mutate(V5 = V1/V3 * 100) %>%
  # Calculate the difference between V4 and V5
  mutate(V6 = abs(V4 - V5)) %>%
  # Select the smallest difference based on V6 for each group
  group_by(ID) %>%
  arrange(ID, V6) %>%

# The best split is now in V3
[1]  7  1 10  0 20




As you pointed out, the percentage is recalculated after you have a share. Can you use this fact to figure out where the split should be?

GuessSplit <- function(string) {

  tolerance <- 0.001 #How close should the fraction be?
  numerator <- as.numeric(word(string, 1, sep = "/"))
  second.half <-word(string, 2, sep = "/")
  second.half <- strsplit(second.half, '')[[1]]

  # assuming they all end in percent signs
  possibilities <- length(second.half) - 1

  for (position in 1:possibilities) {

    denom.guess <- as.numeric(paste0(second.half[1:position], collapse=''))
    percent.guess <- as.numeric(paste0(second.half[(position+1):possibilities], collapse='')) / 100

    value <- numerator / denom.guess

    if (abs(value - percent.guess) < tolerance) {

      return(list(numerator=numerator, denominator=denom.guess))



It needs a little love to deal with stranger cases, and probably something more graceful if it can't find the answer in possibilities. I was also not sure which return type would be better. You might ONLY want the denominator, since the numerator is so easy to get, but I thought a list with both would be the most general. Hope this is a sane start?



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