Client Side Node Authentication

As such, I'm not sure about the practicality of SPA authentication as I'm trying to get used to my new choice.

I will serve a Node / Express application with all the API routes on /api

, and the frontend will run in the root directory /

(all routes will serve index.html

, then client side routing will take care of the rest. So I have backend authentication configured with Passport library that works well, but how to keep server and client sessions in sync? As well as security concerns.

If I make a POST request /api/login

with credentials, what do I return in response to the client? Where is the session?

My interface is Vue, so I assumed I would just pass the user data (if the credentials are correct) to the instance and have a custom object. But I'm assuming I need to store some kind of token? (JWT?)

If anyone can clarify how this client-server architecture works, that would be great.



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1 answer

When a user signs up with credentials, you can send a JWT Auth token and then store the token as Cookie / Local Storage.

Then send the token as an authentication token in every request as the header / request data for user verification.

Ref: Here is a tutorial with NodeJS



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