Bash asks for replacement of strings and variables in files?

So I'm looking at how I can put together a Bash script that can give hints to use to bulk change lines and variables in files in files, and apply the changes to all files that have that line or variable so that a new one.

For example, I had a lot of files that have a string with a numeric value and I want to change it to a new value, i.e.



and let's say that I want to change the value 30 to another value 25. I know it can be done by doing:

find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/font-size=30/font-size=25/g' {} \;


but if I wanted it to be difficult to allow the user to change any value by entering it themselves at the Bash prompt, like so:

Search and replace all font values of %n
Font size Value = 30
Enter new value: 


How can I do this as an impenetrable prompt asking for user input? Thus, not only the opportunity to find and replace all instances of the values related to Font-size=

, but also search and replace the other values, such as x

and y

position values.

All I basically want to do is create a menu where you have to select from the menu what you want to do and then do what I described above. Give it an input file or directory containing a bunch of files, like this:

Choose from menu [1-3]:

1 - Replace Font-size values
2 - Replace X and Y values
3 - Exit

- - -
Select file or directory target: <user_input_here>



source to share

2 answers

You can use read

to create an interactive bash

script. For more information on this utility, see the corresponding manpage .

Take a look at the following example, which you can easily expand to your needs:


function replace_fontsize {
  read -p "Old font-size: (Press Enter) " old_size
  read -p "New font-size: (Press Enter) " new_size
  read -p "Select file or directory target: (Press Enter) " path
  if [ -d "$path" ] ; then
    find "$path" -type f -exec sed -i 's/font-size=${old_size}/font-size=${new_size}/g' {} \;
  elif [ -f "$path" ] ; then
    sed -i 's/font-size=${old_size}/font-size=${new_size}/g' "$path"
    echo "File/Directory ${path} doesn't exist"
    exit 1

function replace_x_and_y {
  # do whatever you want
  exit 0

echo "Choose from menu [1-3]:

1 - Replace Font-size values
2 - Replace X and Y values
3 - Exit"

read -n 1 -s menu

case $menu in
  1) replace_fontsize;;
  2) replace_x_and_y;;
  3) exit 0;;




#!/usr/bin/env bash

# put any X here for X in the format X=<number>
options=("font-size" "x")

echo "Choose from menu [1-$((${#options[@]}+1))]"
for i in ${options[@]}; do
    echo -e "\t$((index++)) - $i"
echo -e "\t$((index)) - exit"

read -p 'select: ' sel                                                                                                                                
if ! [[ $sel =~ [1-9][0-9]* ]]; then
    echo "invalid selection. enter a number greater than 0"
    exit 1
if [[ $sel -eq $index ]]; then
    echo "exiting.."
    exit 0
echo "updating '${options[$((--sel))]}'"
read -p "enter the old value: " oval
read -p "enter the new value: " nval
echo "updating '${options[$sel]}=$oval' into '${options[$sel]}=$nval'"

# change the directory here if required and update the find query as needed
find . -type f -exec sed -i "s:${options[$sel]}=$oval:${options[$sel]}=$nval:g" {} \;




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