Celery worker exited prematurely, does not call on_failure

I have the following code:

class StatusTask(automata_celery.Task):

  def on_success(self, retval, task_id, args, kwargs):
    with app.app_context():
      cloaker = Cloaker.query.get(args[0])
      cloaker.status = RemoteStatus.LAUNCHED

  def on_failure(self, exc, task_id, args, kwargs, einfo):
    with app.app_context():
      cloaker = Cloaker.query.get(args[0])
      cloaker.status = RemoteStatus.ERROR

def deploy_cloaker(cloaker_id):
  """To prevent launching while we are launching, we will
  disable launching until the cloaker status is LAUNCHED
  cloaker = Cloaker.query.get(cloaker_id)
  if not cloaker.can_launch():

  cloaker.status = RemoteStatus.LAUNCHING

  host = cloaker.server.ssh_user + '@' + cloaker.server.ip
  execute(fabric_deploy_cloaker, cloaker, hosts=host)

def fabric_deploy_cloaker(cloaker):
  domain = cloaker.domain
  sudo('rm -rf /var/www/%s/html' % domain)          # Restartable process
  sudo('mkdir -p /var/www/%s/html' % domain)


When I put the wrong ip for my fabric in ssh (, the celery worker exits prematurely, but doesn't execute the on_failure handler.

Take a look at the log it generates in the celery desktop window:

[2017-07-31 01:04:45,231: WARNING/PoolWorker-8] [root@] Executing task 'fabric_deploy_cloaker'
[2017-07-31 01:04:45,231: WARNING/PoolWorker-8] [root@] sudo: rm -rf /var/www/google.com/html
[2017-07-31 01:04:55,328: WARNING/PoolWorker-8] Fatal error: Timed out trying to connect to (tried 1 time)

Underlying exception:
    timed out
[2017-07-31 01:04:55,328: WARNING/PoolWorker-8] Aborting.
[2017-07-31 01:04:59,126: ERROR/MainProcess] Task handler raised error: WorkerLostError('Worker exited prematurely: exitcode 0.',)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/vng/.virtualenvs/AutomataHeroku/lib/python2.7/site-packages/billiard/pool.py", line 1224, in mark_as_worker_lost
WorkerLostError: Worker exited prematurely: exitcode 0.


However, when I check the status of this task, I see the following: state=FAILURE status=FAILURE message=Worker exited prematurely: exitcode 0.

How can I handle this error gracefully?

My application needs to set cloaker.status to START or ERROR so that my end users can restart this task manually.


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1 answer

I faced the same problem in my project and found two possible workarounds:

First, avoid duplication (and synchronization!) celery.state

And your own application state RemoteStatus.LAUNCHED

. You will need to save AsyncResult

from apply_async()

or at least the task id .

The second is the wrapping of actions that can result WorkerLostError

in a try / except:

  host = cloaker.server.ssh_user + '@' + cloaker.server.ip
      assert_execute(fabric_deploy_cloaker, cloaker, hosts=host)
  except Exception:
      raise FabricDeployError("Something went wrong")
      execute(fabric_deploy_cloaker, cloaker, hosts=host)




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