Tensorflow math function vs Numpy

Is there any real difference between the math functions performed by numpy and tensorflow. For example an exponential function or a max function?

The only difference I noticed is that tensorflow accepts tensor inputs, not numpy arrays. Is this the only difference and no difference in function-by-value results?


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2 answers

As mentioned, the difference is in performance. The advantage of TensorFlow is that it is designed to work with both CPUs and GPUs, so if you have a CUDA capable GPU, TensorFlow will probably be much faster. You can find several tests on the Internet with various comparisons as well as with other packages like Numba or Theano.

However, I think you are saying that the NumPy and TensorFlow operations are exactly the same. The answer is basically yes, that is, the meaning of the operations is the same. However, since they are completely separate libraries with different implementations for everything, you will find slight differences in the results. Take this code for example (TensorFlow 1.2.0, NumPy 1.13.1):

# Force TensorFlow to run on CPU only
import os
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1"

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

# float32 NumPy array
a = np.arange(100, dtype=np.float32)
# The same array with the same dtype in TensorFlow
a_tf = tf.constant(a, dtype=tf.float32)
# Square root with NumPy
sqrt = np.sqrt(a)
# Square root with TensorFlow
with tf.Session() as sess:
    sqrt_tf = sess.run(tf.sqrt(a_tf))


You would expect to get pretty much the same result from both, I mean square root is not like an extremely complex operation. However, by printing these arrays on my computer, I get:

>>> array([ 0.        ,  1.        ,  1.41421354,  1.73205078,  2.        ,
            2.23606801,  2.44948983,  2.64575124,  2.82842708,  3.        ,
            3.1622777 ,  3.31662488,  3.46410155,  3.60555124,  3.7416575 ,
            3.87298346,  4.        ,  4.12310553,  4.2426405 ,  4.35889912,
            4.47213602,  4.5825758 ,  4.69041586,  4.79583168,  4.89897966,
            5.        ,  5.09901953,  5.19615221,  5.29150248,  5.38516474,
            5.47722578,  5.56776428,  5.65685415,  5.74456263,  5.83095169,
            5.91608   ,  6.        ,  6.08276272,  6.16441393,  6.24499798,
            6.3245554 ,  6.40312433,  6.48074055,  6.55743837,  6.63324976,
            6.70820379,  6.78233004,  6.85565472,  6.92820311,  7.        ,
            7.07106781,  7.14142847,  7.21110249,  7.28010988,  7.34846926,
            7.41619825,  7.48331499,  7.54983425,  7.6157732 ,  7.68114567,
            7.74596691,  7.81024981,  7.8740077 ,  7.93725395,  8.        ,
            8.06225777,  8.1240387 ,  8.18535233,  8.24621105,  8.30662346,
            8.36660004,  8.42614937,  8.48528099,  8.54400349,  8.60232544,
            8.66025448,  8.71779823,  8.77496433,  8.83176041,  8.88819408,
            8.94427204,  9.        ,  9.05538559,  9.11043358,  9.1651516 ,
            9.21954441,  9.2736187 ,  9.32737923,  9.38083172,  9.43398094,
            9.48683262,  9.53939247,  9.59166336,  9.64365101,  9.69536018,
            9.7467947 ,  9.79795933,  9.84885788,  9.89949512,  9.94987392], dtype=float32)

>>> array([ 0.        ,  0.99999994,  1.41421342,  1.73205078,  1.99999988,
            2.23606801,  2.44948959,  2.64575124,  2.82842684,  2.99999976,
            3.1622777 ,  3.31662488,  3.46410155,  3.60555077,  3.74165726,
            3.87298322,  3.99999976,  4.12310553,  4.2426405 ,  4.35889864,
            4.47213602,  4.58257532,  4.69041538,  4.79583073,  4.89897919,
            5.        ,  5.09901857,  5.19615221,  5.29150248,  5.38516474,
            5.47722483,  5.56776428,  5.65685368,  5.74456215,  5.83095121,
            5.91607952,  5.99999952,  6.08276224,  6.16441393,  6.24499846,
            6.3245554 ,  6.40312433,  6.48074055,  6.5574379 ,  6.63324976,
            6.70820427,  6.78233004,  6.85565472,  6.92820311,  6.99999952,
            7.07106733,  7.14142799,  7.21110153,  7.28010893,  7.34846973,
            7.41619825,  7.48331451,  7.54983425,  7.61577368,  7.68114567,
            7.74596643,  7.81025028,  7.8740077 ,  7.93725395,  7.99999952,
            8.06225681,  8.12403774,  8.18535233,  8.24621105,  8.30662346,
            8.36660004,  8.42614937,  8.48528099,  8.54400253,  8.60232449,
            8.66025352,  8.71779728,  8.77496433,  8.83176041,  8.88819408,
            8.94427204,  8.99999905,  9.05538464,  9.11043262,  9.16515064,
            9.21954441,  9.27361774,  9.32737923,  9.38083076,  9.43398094,
            9.48683357,  9.53939152,  9.59166145,  9.64365005,  9.69535923,
            9.7467947 ,  9.79795837,  9.84885788,  9.89949417,  9.94987392], dtype=float32)


So, okay, it looks like, but there are obvious differences. For example, TensorFlow couldn't even get the correct square roots of 1, 4, or 9. And you will probably get a different result if you run it on the GPU (due to GPU cores being different from CPU cores and dependency on CUDA routines. implemented by NVIDIA, another player in the field).

My impression (though I may be wrong too) is that TensorFlow is more willing to sacrifice some precision in exchange for performance (which would make sense given its typical use case). I've even seen some more complicated operations to get (very few) different results, just doing it twice (on the same hardware), probably due to unspecified order in aggregation and averaging operations causing rounding errors (I usually use float32 , so the coefficient is also, probably).



There is of course a real difference. Numpy works with arrays, which can use highly optimized vectorized computations, and it works quite well on the CPU, whereas tensorflow math functions are GPU optimized where a lot of matrix multiplications are much more important. So the question is where do you want to use what. For CPU, I would just go with numpy, whereas for GPU, it makes sense to use TF operations.



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