Descending order by string field in query

I want to write an EF query that does an ascending or descending order based on a condition. Below is my pseudocode:

      var result= q.OrderByDescending(x => x.StatusId == 3)
                         if( x.StatusId == 3) 
                              then order by x.ReserveDate
                         if( x.StatusId != 3 ) 
                              then order by descending x.LastUpdateDate


How can i do this?


This is not the same as, q = condition ? q.OrderBy(..) : q.OrderByDescending(..)

as stated in the duplicate question, the sort order differs from the value within the string, not the outer query of the flag.


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2 answers

You can create complex expressions in OrderBy ...

// you might have to give bounding start,end for
// for this query to work correctly...

var end = DateTime.Now;
var start = end.AddYears(-100);

var result = q.OrderBy( 
               x => x.StatusId == 3 ?  

               // this will sort by in ascending order 
               DbFunctions.DiffDays(x.ReserveDate, start) :

               // this will sort in descending order
               DbFunctions.DiffDays(end, x.LastUpdateDate) );


SQL Generated will be

        WHEN ([Extent2].[StatusId ] = 3) 
            THEN DATEDIFF (day, @p__linq__0, [Extent1].[ReserveDate]) 
            DATEDIFF (day, [Extent1].[LastUpdateDate], @p__linq__1) 
        END AS [C1] 
        FROM  [dbo].[Table] AS [Extent1]
    )  AS [Project1]
    ORDER BY [Project1].[C1]




As BoessB comment , this is easiest with two concatenated queries:

var q1 = from x in source
         where x.StatusId == 3
         order by x.ReserveDate;
var q2 = from x in source
         where x.StatusId != 3
         order by x.LastUpdateDate descending;

var results  = await q1.Concat(q2).ToListAsync();


It might be possible to do this in a single statement if you can create a derived field ( let

clauses help) from ReserveDate

and LastUpdateDate

that sorts correctly. But I would suggest splitting the query to be clearer.



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