Before diving, is this possible with the Awesome WM?

I've tried different tiled WM to see which one works best for me. Every time I try a new one it looks good, but I find other things that don't quite work the way I like. My requirements have evolved as I walk. I didn't want to go into Awesome at first because to find out that Lua isn't on my wishlist, but maybe I should try IF it can do what I want better than the other WM tiling out there.

I'm going to as much detail as possible about what I want. I have a 3440x1440 monitor running. I want to use as much vertical space as possible (which means a full, constant, but mostly blank status bar is not an option, but I like the notification area and date / time).

I understand that this can not do everything the way I want it to be. If it does more or less than most of what I want, I can weigh my options between Awesome and another tiled WM (actually, just the i3 I am using now, but I'm open to better suggestions). I would be very grateful if people did not just give up something that he cannot do, but say "no, but it can ...". In other words, feel free to suggest alternatives that might be helpful as well.

  • Split the screen into 3 columns, initially 30/45/25, with the right column split horizontally; Fully customizable and modifiable as needed during my work session;
  • Permanent layout; when I close the last app in a tile, I don't want that tile to disappear and the remaining tiles to resize. Just show blank space and leave all tiles as they are.
  • so I can see which apps are running in the tile (similar to i3).
  • Replaceable 1-way keyboard panels; When you make the middle column / tile wider, I want it to be in a certain direction towards the other tile and leave the other side.
  • Some applications that I want to always run in a specific chunk. For example, terminals always end up in the right header / footer, browser / commit always in the middle, atom / IDE always on the left. Some apps should always float. Obviously, I want them to be able to send them to another cooker after launch.
  • I don't need a 100% status bar. It will be mostly empty, which is a waste of the estate. Preferably, I would like the status part of the tile, for example the right side of the tile, to resize it. Otherwise, I would like it to be fixed to 30% and allow tiles that are not below it to use the full screen height. My reason for the status bar is not working; I actually want the notification area and date time to be visible at all times. I don't need a "start menu", dmenu or the like, ideally that I believe it is integrated.

Thank you very much in advance!


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1 answer

The general answer is "Amazing configuration is code, and it can do whatever you want." But there is a catch. Can Awesome be configured the way you describe? Yes, completely. There are at least 2 distributions that are close enough (mines [1] and worron [2]) (at least for the shingles workflow, not the appearance).

The "catch" is that the workflow you described is not really the "Amazing Way". Awesome is commonly used as automatic cookers. You have layouts that describe the workflow (code, network, internet) and drive clients according to their programming. Manual tile controls are rarely necessary if you have the right layouts. That doesn't mean you can't do it, but it might be worth considering that you're not aware if you can automate your workflow a little more.

Also, the default layout system is not very modern and makes it difficult to implement the functionality you requested. My layout system (see link below) can be used as a module or as a branch and supports all the features described above. Awesome is extremely customizable and its components can be replaced with modules.

The documentation on hosting "serialization" is here:

It is similar to i3 but has more layouts and containers. As for the "leave blank" part, it is configured with fill_strategy:

Be that as it may, I would like to point out that you are asking "to work exactly like i3

". If you need such a thing, well, use i3. Awesome is a window manager framework. Its purpose and purpose is to create a custom desktop / WM shell. If this is what you want then go ahead and study it, nothing else can come close to the opportunity and the level of control you can get from it. However, it takes time and effort to get to the point where you have your own ideal desktop. Our users are great for desktops:





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