Error retrieving key request data: AVFoundationErrorDomain reason: optional ("Unknown error (-42650)")

I am implementing Apple Fireplay DRM to deliver encrypted content to devices. I was able to upload the certificate successfully, but when I try to get SPC data from AVAssetResourceLoadingRequest

I get this error.

Error obtaining key request data: AVFoundationErrorDomain reason: Optional("An unknown error occurred (-42650)")


Below is the code to get SPC content

let spcData: Data!

    do {
         To obtain the Server Playback Context (SPC), we call 
         using the information we obtained earlier.
        spcData = try resourceLoadingRequest.streamingContentKeyRequestData(forApp: applicationCertificate, contentIdentifier: assetIDData, options: resourceLoadingRequestOptions)
    } catch let error as NSError {
        print("Error obtaining key request data: \(error.domain) reason: \(error.localizedFailureReason)")
        resourceLoadingRequest.finishLoading(with: error)


I've already searched for error code: 42650 on the Apple Developers Forum, but no luck!


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1 answer

I got this error too. In my case, I was generating an applicationCertificate using the wrong data format (the appIdentifier parameter in the function resourceLoadingRequest.streamingContentKeyRequestData(forApp:contentIdentifier:options:)

). The certificate I was provided with was base64 encoded. So I need to create data with Data(base64Encoded: yourCertificateString)




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