Why does each method require that the value it loops be assigned to a variable?

Working on Rails and finding a lack of knowledge in my understanding of the method each


Don't know why the method each

requires a variable|message|

<% @messages.each do |message| %>
    <h2><%= message.title %></h2>
    <%= link_to "View Message", message_path(message), class: "btn btn-default" %>
<% end %>



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3 answers

As you walk through, @messages

you need to refer to each element in some way to make it available to your code. Ruby does this by passing each element to the block, one at a time, as a variable. The pipe syntax is used in Ruby to refer to block variables in any block context, not just each


Ruby is not going to decide for itself what, when you repeat @messages

, each element should be named message

. You need to make this decision explicitly and assign the variable name in pipes. You don't need to call the variable message

. You can name it hot_dog

. But you need to assign the element to something, otherwise you won't be able to access it and what's the point of the loop?

<% @messages.each do |hot_dog| %>
    <h2><%= hot_dog.title %></h2>
    <%= link_to "View Message", message_path(hot_dog), class: "btn btn-default" %>
<% end %>




Not sure why each method needs a variable |message|

It doesn't require. You can omit it very much.

<% @messages.each do %>


But in this case, what are you going to output in yours <h2>





does not change the value self

inside or outside the block. For example:

class Foo
  def bar1; "hello"; end
  def bar2; [1].each { puts bar1 }
Foo.new.bar2 # => "hello"


In this example, the method call is the bar1

same as what is specified puts self.bar1

, so you need to maintain the same value self

as outside the block.

If you want to set a value self

in a block for the current iterator, you can use a method like this:

def bound_each(&blk)
  each { |x| x.instance_eval &blk }
[1].bound_each { puts self } # => 1


However, as far as I know, there is nothing like this in the core of Ruby or Rails.

Also see fooobar.com/questions/2423875 / ... for a similar method that constrains self

to Enumerable ( [1]




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