Using parameters with EntityFramework and `FromSql`

     public List<PostJobListModel> GetPostsByCompanyId(int id, int s, int d, int p)
    string command = @"select Id,Title,Cities = STUFF(
     (SELECT  ',' + City.Name  
      FROM City where City.Id in (select Id from LocaitonJobRelationship as ljr where ljr.JobId = PostJob.Id)
      FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 1, ''),
      Features = STUFF(
     (SELECT  ',' + Feature.Name  
      FROM Feature where Feature.Id in (select FeatureId from FeatureJobRelationship as fjr where fjr.JobId = PostJob.Id and (fjr.CategoryId in (@s,@d,@p) ) )FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '')from PostJob where CompanyId = " + id + "";

    SqlParameter parameterS = new SqlParameter("@s", s);
    SqlParameter parameterD = new SqlParameter("@d", d);
    SqlParameter parameterP = new SqlParameter("@p", p);

    return _repositoryCustom.FromSql(command, s, d, p).ToList();


// repository

public List<PostJobListModel> FromSql(string sql, params object[] objects)
    return _context.PostJobListModel.FromSql(sql,objects).ToList();


This code gives "SQLException Must declare scalar variable" @variableName "" How can I create a security command line string?


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3 answers

You are not setting parameters by executing the SqlCommand, you need to pass parameters to the statement FromSql

. From the documentation

You can also create a DbParameter and provide it as a cost parameter. This allows named parameters to be used in a SQL query string +

var user = new SqlParameter("user", "johndoe");

var blogs = context.Blogs
    .FromSql("EXECUTE dbo.GetMostPopularBlogsForUser @user", user)


So for your code, you would do

public List<PostJobListModel> GetPostsByCompanyId(int id, int s, int d, int p)
    string command = @"select Id,Title,Cities = STUFF(
     (SELECT  ',' + City.Name  
      FROM City where City.Id in (select Id from LocaitonJobRelationship as ljr where ljr.JobId = PostJob.Id)
      FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 1, ''),
      Features = STUFF(
     (SELECT  ',' + Feature.Name  
      FROM Feature where Feature.Id in (select FeatureId from FeatureJobRelationship as fjr where fjr.JobId = PostJob.Id and (fjr.CategoryId in (@s,@d,@p) ) )FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '')from PostJob where CompanyId = " + id + "";

    SqlParameter parameterS = new SqlParameter("@s", s);
    SqlParameter parameterD = new SqlParameter("@d", d);
    SqlParameter parameterP = new SqlParameter("@p", p);

    return _repositoryCustom.FromSql(command, parameterS, parameterD, parameterP).ToList();


You must also make a id




In .Net Core 2.0+, below code worked for me. There is no need to go through the SQLParameter class.

public List<XXSearchResult> SearchXXArticles(string searchTerm,bool published=true,bool isXX=true)

        var listXXArticles = _dbContext.XXSearchResults.FromSql($"SELECT * FROM [dbo].[udf_textContentSearch] ({searchTerm}, {published}, {isXX})").ToList();
        return listXXArticles;


// XXSearchResult is declared in the DbContext class as: public DbQuery XXSearchResults {get; set; }

// udf_textContentSearch is my legacy function in SQL Server database. SELECT * FROM [dbo]. [Udf_textContentSearch]



When I call a SQL stored process through EF Core, I like to create a SqlParameter array to help me parse the SQL with the parameters needed in the FromSql call, for example:

using (var scope = _services.CreateScope())
    var parameters = new []
        new SqlParameter("param1", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 10) { Value = someInboundMethodParam },
        new SqlParameter("param2", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50) { Value = Environment.UserName },

        // etc..

    var sql = new System.Text.StringBuilder("exec YourStoreProc");

    sql.Append(string.Join(separator: ",", values: parameters.Select(p => $" @{ p.ParameterName }")));

    var ctx = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<YourContext>();

    return await ctx
        .FromSql(sql.ToString(), parameters.ToArray<object>())




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