Custom Style on React-Bootstrap Component for Dropdown Menu

I'm trying to apply my own CSS styling to a bootstrap react component, but I can't figure out how to access elements that aren't explicit in the JSX component. For example:

      <DropdownButton className="ddown" id="ddown" title="Dropdown">
      <MenuItem className="itemxx" href="#books">Books</MenuItem>
      <MenuItem className="itemxx" href="#podcasts">Podcasts</MenuItem>
      <MenuItem className="itemxx" href="#">Tech I Like</MenuItem>
      <MenuItem className="itemxx" href="#">About me</MenuItem>
      <MenuItem className="itemxx" href="#addBlog">Add a Blog</MenuItem>


has no way out for the dropdown box which I am looking for to give a specific width and exclude its rounded corners. Is there a way to access it in my CSS?


Here is the item I want to edit, which by the way, if I try to access via the .dropdown-menu, 1) I change all the dropdowns, and 2) I cannot change most of its values.

enter image description here


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3 answers

Add your custom class name to <MenuItem></MenuItem>

and edit it by adding a

className at the end of your .css file when configuring.

In the .js file:

<MenuItem className="dropdown-link"> DaItem </MenuItem>

In your .css file: (notice a

in the selector)

.dropdown-link a {background: red; color: yellow;}

PS: You may need to add !important

to .css



Thanks everyone, I found a way to do this! I was able to access a specific menu by including [aria-labelledby = ddown] (ddown is my dropdown custom class) in CSS:

.dropdown-menu[aria-labelledby = ddown] {
  background-color: lightblue;
  max-width: 80px; //This, by the way, is not working for some reason.
  border-radius: 0;
  margin: 0;




You are using DropDown.Menu and DropDown.Item like this

<Dropdown.Menu className="my-dropdown">
  <Dropdown.Divider />
  <Dropdown.Item className="itemxx" href="#books">Books</Dropdown.Item>
  <Dropdown.Item>className="itemxx" href="#podcasts">Podcasts</Dropdown.Item>


and then add your custom CSS like

.my-dropdown {
  border-radius: 0;




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