Find all values โ€‹โ€‹in the list of cards that have the key "Oranges"

But new to groovy here, but I'm trying to get all values โ€‹โ€‹from every card in my list of cards that have a key equal to "Oranges"

def resultSet = [
["Oranges":123456, "Apples": "none"],["Oranges":7890, "Apples": "some"]
def fruit = resultSet.each{
    it.findAll{key, value -> key == "Oranges"}.value

println fruit


so for this I expect the result to be: [123456, 7890]

but I get:[[Oranges:123456, Apples:none], [Oranges:7890, Apples:some]]


source to share

1 answer

The method return each

is the collection itself. You want to apply some sort of filter to the collection, not each of its elements. I suggest using findResults

, as it will filter out nulls and nulls:

def resultSet = [
    ["Oranges":123456, "Apples": "none"],
    ["Oranges":7890, "Apples": "some"]

def fruit = resultSet.findResults { it.Oranges?.value }

assert fruit == [123456, 7890]




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