Tokenize () in nltk.TweetTokenizer returns integers by splitting

Tokenize () nltk.TweetTokenizer

returns 32-bit integers, dividing them by digits. This only happens with some specific numbers and I see no reason why?

>>> from nltk.tokenize import TweetTokenizer 
>>> tw = TweetTokenizer()
>>> tw.tokenize('the 23135851162 of 3151942776...')
[u'the', u'2313585116', u'2', u'of', u'3151942776', u'...']


The entrance has 23135851162

been split into[u'2313585116', u'2']

Interestingly, it seems to segment all numbers by 10 digits

>>> tw.tokenize('the 231358511621231245 of 3151942776...')
[u'the', u'2313585116', u'2123124', u'5', u'of', u'3151942776', u'...']
>>> tw.tokenize('the 231123123358511621231245 of 3151942776...')
[u'the', u'2311231233', u'5851162123', u'1245', u'of', u'3151942776', u'...']


The token length of the number affects tokenization:

>>> s = 'the 1234567890 of'
>>> tw.tokenize(s)
[u'the', u'12345678', u'90', u'of']
>>> s = 'the 123456789 of'
>>> tw.tokenize(s)
[u'the', u'12345678', u'9', u'of']
>>> s = 'the 12345678 of'
>>> tw.tokenize(s)
[u'the', u'12345678', u'of']
>>> s = 'the 1234567 of'
>>> tw.tokenize(s)
[u'the', u'1234567', u'of']
>>> s = 'the 123456 of'
>>> tw.tokenize(s)
[u'the', u'123456', u'of']
>>> s = 'the 12345 of'
>>> tw.tokenize(s)
[u'the', u'12345', u'of']
>>> s = 'the 1234 of'
>>> tw.tokenize(s)
[u'the', u'1234', u'of']
>>> s = 'the 123 of'
>>> tw.tokenize(s)
[u'the', u'123', u'of']
>>> s = 'the 12 of'
>>> tw.tokenize(s)
[u'the', u'12', u'of']
>>> s = 'the 1 of'
>>> tw.tokenize(s)
[u'the', u'1', u'of']


If adjacent digits + spaces are longer than 10:

>>> s = 'the 123 456 78901234  of'
>>> tw.tokenize(s)
[u'the', u'123 456 7890', u'1234', u'of']



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2 answers


This seems to be a bug / feature TweetTokenizer()

that we're not sure what motivates this.

Read on to find out where the error / function is happening ...

In the long

Looking at the function tokenize()

in the TweetTokenizer, the tokenizer does some preprocessing before actually tokenizing:

  • It first removes objects from the text by converting them to the corresponding unicode character via the function _replace_html_entities()

  • It removes the username descriptors using a function as needed remove_handles()


  • Optionally, it normalizes the word length via the reduce_lengthening function

  • Then truncates the problematic character sequences with HANG_RE


  • Finally, the actual tokenization happens through the WORD_RE


After the regex, WORD_RE


  • it is optional to keep the emoji case before omitting the tokenized output

In code:

def tokenize(self, text):
    :param text: str
    :rtype: list(str)
    :return: a tokenized list of strings; concatenating this list returns\
    the original string if `preserve_case=False`
    # Fix HTML character entities:
    text = _replace_html_entities(text)
    # Remove username handles
    if self.strip_handles:
        text = remove_handles(text)
    # Normalize word lengthening
    if self.reduce_len:
        text = reduce_lengthening(text)
    # Shorten problematic sequences of characters
    safe_text = HANG_RE.sub(r'\1\1\1', text)
    # Tokenize:
    words = WORD_RE.findall(safe_text)
    # Possibly alter the case, but avoid changing emoticons like :D into :d:
    if not self.preserve_case:
        words = list(map((lambda x : x if else
                          x.lower()), words))
    return words


By default, descriptor deletion and length shrinking do not work unless specified by the user.

class TweetTokenizer:
    Tokenizer for tweets.

        >>> from nltk.tokenize import TweetTokenizer
        >>> tknzr = TweetTokenizer()
        >>> s0 = "This is a cooool #dummysmiley: :-) :-P <3 and some arrows < > -> <--"
        >>> tknzr.tokenize(s0)
        ['This', 'is', 'a', 'cooool', '#dummysmiley', ':', ':-)', ':-P', '<3', 'and', 'some', 'arrows', '<', '>', '->', '<--']

    Examples using `strip_handles` and `reduce_len parameters`:

        >>> tknzr = TweetTokenizer(strip_handles=True, reduce_len=True)
        >>> s1 = '@remy: This is waaaaayyyy too much for you!!!!!!'
        >>> tknzr.tokenize(s1)
        [':', 'This', 'is', 'waaayyy', 'too', 'much', 'for', 'you', '!', '!', '!']

    def __init__(self, preserve_case=True, reduce_len=False, strip_handles=False):
        self.preserve_case = preserve_case
        self.reduce_len = reduce_len
        self.strip_handles = strip_handles


Skip steps and regex:

>>> from nltk.tokenize.casual import _replace_html_entities
>>> s = 'the 231358523423423421162 of 3151942776...'
>>> _replace_html_entities(s)
u'the 231358523423423421162 of 3151942776...'


Verified _replace_html_entities()

not to be the culprit.

By default, remove_handles()

and are reduce_lengthening()

omitted, but for the sake of common sense, let's see:

>>> from nltk.tokenize.casual import _replace_html_entities
>>> s = 'the 231358523423423421162 of 3151942776...'
>>> _replace_html_entities(s)
u'the 231358523423423421162 of 3151942776...'
>>> from nltk.tokenize.casual import remove_handles, reduce_lengthening
>>> remove_handles(_replace_html_entities(s))
u'the 231358523423423421162 of 3151942776...'
>>> reduce_lengthening(remove_handles(_replace_html_entities(s)))
u'the 231358523423423421162 of 3151942776...'


Also checked that none of the optional functions work badly

>>> import re
>>> s = 'the 231358523423423421162 of 3151942776...'
>>> HANG_RE = re.compile(r'([^a-zA-Z0-9])\1{3,}')
>>> HANG_RE.sub(r'\1\1\1', s)
'the 231358523423423421162 of 3151942776...'



also clears on his behalf

>>> import re
>>> from nltk.tokenize.casual import REGEXPS
>>> WORD_RE = re.compile(r"""(%s)""" % "|".join(REGEXPS), re.VERBOSE | re.I | re.UNICODE)
>>> WORD_RE.findall(s)
['the', '2313585234', '2342342116', '2', 'of', '3151942776', '...']


Achso! What is where splits appear!

Now let's look deeper into WORD_RE

, this is a regex tuple.

The first is a massive url pattern regex from

Run through them one by one:

>>> from nltk.tokenize.casual import REGEXPS
>>> patt = re.compile(r"""(%s)""" % "|".join(REGEXPS), re.VERBOSE | re.I | re.UNICODE)
>>> s = 'the 231358523423423421162 of 3151942776...'
>>> patt.findall(s)
['the', '2313585234', '2342342116', '2', 'of', '3151942776', '...']
>>> patt = re.compile(r"""(%s)""" % "|".join(REGEXPS[:1]), re.VERBOSE | re.I | re.UNICODE)
>>> patt.findall(s)
>>> patt = re.compile(r"""(%s)""" % "|".join(REGEXPS[:2]), re.VERBOSE | re.I | re.UNICODE)
>>> patt.findall(s)
['2313585234', '2342342116', '3151942776']
>>> patt = re.compile(r"""(%s)""" % "|".join(REGEXPS[1:2]), re.VERBOSE | re.I | re.UNICODE)
>>> patt.findall(s)
['2313585234', '2342342116', '3151942776']


Ah, ha! It seems like the 2nd regex from REGEXPS

is causing the problem!

If we take a look at :

# The components of the tokenizer:
    # Phone numbers:
      (?:            # (international)
      (?:            # (area code)
      \d{3}          # exchange
      \d{4}          # base
    # ASCII Emoticons
    # HTML tags:
    # ASCII Arrows
    # Twitter username:
    # Twitter hashtags:
    # email addresses
    # Remaining word types:
    (?:[^\W\d_](?:[^\W\d_]|['\-_])+[^\W\d_]) # Words with apostrophes or dashes.
    (?:[+\-]?\d+[,/.:-]\d+[+\-]?)  # Numbers, including fractions, decimals.
    (?:[\w_]+)                     # Words without apostrophes or dashes.
    (?:\.(?:\s*\.){1,})            # Ellipsis dots.
    (?:\S)                         # Everything else that isn't whitespace.


The second regexp from REGEXP tries to parse numbers as phone numbers:

# Phone numbers:
      (?:            # (international)
      (?:            # (area code)
      \d{3}          # exchange
      \d{4}          # base


The sample is trying to recognize

  • If desired, the first digits will correspond to the international code.
  • next 3 digits as area code
  • optional, then a dash
  • then 3 more digits, which are the exchange code (telecom)
  • another optional dash
  • finally a 4-digit base phone number.

See for details .

This is why it tries to split adjacent digits into a 10-digit block!

But note the quirks, since the phone number regex is hardcoded it is possible to catch real phone numbers in patterns \d{3}-d{3}-\d{4}

or \d{10}

, but if the dashes are in a different order, it won't work

>>> from nltk.tokenize.casual import REGEXPS
>>> patt = re.compile(r"""(%s)""" % "|".join(REGEXPS[1:2]), re.VERBOSE | re.I | re.UNICODE)
>>> s = '231-358-523423423421162'
>>> patt.findall(s)
['231-358-5234', '2342342116']
>>> s = '2313-58-523423423421162'
>>> patt.findall(s)


Can we fix this?




There is a regex part TweetTokenizer

that recognizes phone numbers in every imaginary format (search for # Phone numbers: in this document: ). Some 10-digit numbers look like 10-digit phone numbers. This is why they turn into separate tokens.



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