Keep line marks within the visible area while scaling

I am using matplotlibs plt.axvline to plot vertical lines in a plot. I want to place labels on vertical lines directly on the graph, not on the legend.

I want my graph to have labels on vertical lines that look like this:

like this

If I zoom in on a specific section, I would like the vertical line labels to move accordingly so that they are still visible on the screen. Like this:

Like this

Can anyone help me with this? It would be very grateful!

My code so far is below:

from import fits
from import download_file
from astropy.table import Table
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

class Spectrum:
    # Let download the data to plot    
    def __init__(self, url):
        self.url = url
        self.hdu_list =, cache=True), memmap=False)

    # Now lets plot the data
    def plot_spectra(self):
        x = np.array(Table(self.hdu_list[1].data).columns[1])
        x = 10 ** x
        y = np.array(Table(self.hdu_list[1].data).columns[0])
        plt.plot(x, y, 'k', lw=1)

    # Now lets plot the vertical lines, AND THIS IS WHERE I WANT TO ADD LABELS.
    def plot_spectral_types(self):
        my_type = input("Please enter the spectral type to plot (o, b, a, or f): ")
        if my_type is 'o':
            my_type = o_type
        elif my_type is 'b':
            my_type = b_type
        elif my_type is 'a':
            my_type = a_type
        elif my_type is 'f':
            my_type = f_type

        element, wavelength = zip(*my_type)
# Each vertical line x value is a wavelength. 
# I want the vertical line label to be the corresponding element.
        for i in wavelength:
            plt.axvline(linewidth=0.25, color='r', x=i)

o_type = [
('NIII', 4097),
('SiIV', 4089),
('H', 4340.5),
('HeI', 4471),
('HeII', 4541),
('NIII', 4632),
('NIII', 4640),
('CIII', 4650),
('HeII', 4686)

b_type = [
('SiIV', 4089),
('H', 4101.7),
('HeI', 4121),
('SiII', 4128),
('SiII', 4131),
('H', 4340.5),
('HeI', 4471),
('CIII', 4540),
('HeII', 4541),
('CIII', 4650),
('H', 4861.33)

a_type = [
('CaII (K)', 3933.70),
('CaII', 3968.50),
('H', 3970.10),
('H', 4101.70),
('HeI', 4121.00),
('SiII', 4128.00),
('SiII', 4131.00),
('FeI', 4299.00),
('FeI', 4303.00),
('TiII', 4303.00),
('H', 4340.50),
('MgII', 4481.00),
('H', 4861.30),
('H', 6562.70)

f_type = [
('CaII', 3933.70),
('CaII', 3968.50),
('H', 3970.10),
('H', 4101.70),
('HeI', 4121.00),
('SiII', 4128.00),
('SiII', 4131.00),
('CaI', 4227.00),
('FeI', 4299.00),
('FeI', 4303.00),
('H', 4340.50),
('CH', 4314.00),
('MgII', 4481.00),
('H', 4861.30),
('H', 6562.70)



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1 answer

The text labels are in data coordinates by default , which is probably the problem you are having. You can convert the y value to shape coordinates, which are relative to the current axis when scaling, and leave the x coordinate in data coordinates. A more independent (see MCVE) example:

from numpy.random import uniform
from math import sin, pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.transforms as transforms

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

transDA = transforms.blended_transform_factory(
    ax.transData, ax.transAxes) #  from the transforms tutorial

spectrum = uniform(0,1, 1000) + map(lambda x: sin(2*pi*x/800), range(1000)) #dummy data

ax.plot(range(4000,5000,1), spectrum )

o_type = [
('NIII', 4097),
('SiIV', 4089),
('H', 4340.5),
('HeI', 4471),
('HeII', 4541),
('NIII', 4632),
('NIII', 4640),
('CIII', 4650),
('HeII', 4686)

for wavelength in o_type:
        plt.axvline(linewidth=0.25, color='r', x=wavelength[1])
        plt.text(wavelength[1], # x-value from data
                 uniform(0,1), # wiggle the labels 2so they don't overlap
                 wavelength[0], # string label
                 transform = transDA,
                 family='serif') # the III looked better serif. 


Original plot. Note that the first two labels, respectively, are about halfway up and perhaps a quarter way up in the picture: Scaling, these labels moved correctly with the x-axis zoomed in, but still about halfway up and a quarter of a shape: enter image description here
enter image description here



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