How can I parse the Symfony parameter in Alice's fixtures.yml file

I am stuck with the nelmio / alice package (expressive light generator). I don't know how to parse a parameter from a shared file config/parameters.yml

(in my case "photoupload_directory") into fixtures.yml


Now I have something tough like this:

photo: <Image('/Users/vivi/projects.2016/cvsymfony.local/storage/uploads/photos',1080,800,false,false)>


I've already tried:

photo: <Image(getParameter('photoupload_directory'),1080,800,false,false)>

but that doesn't work either. I have also tried

$this->getParameter and $this->getContainer()->getParameter

or designation %photoupload_directory%


I have already searched the Internet, but have not found anything yet.


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1 answer

Yes finally one solution, maybe more (for parsing parameters to this class), so if you know, let me know. Below worked for me.

First add the ContainerAwareInterface namespace:

use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareInterface;


Add a trait (in class):

use \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareTrait;


Create a function:

public function getPhotoUploadDir()
    return $this->container->getParameter('photoupload_directory');


In the fixtures.yml file

photo: <Image($this->fake('getPhotoUploadDir'),1080,800,false,false)>




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