Git keep some local changes clean, but don't push them

I am working on a development branch on my computer. I made a lot of changes that I don't want to push, but I want to keep them. I did to change the behavior of the translator in my project and I would like to test it a little longer before pushing it and deploying to production. But I would like to continue working on development or any other industries and be able to apply these changes.

There are ideas that I came up with:

  • Keep all of these files (not git-add them) and only commit the files that I really want to commit. But this solution makes my "git status" very messy (a lot of modified files) and I believe it will generate errors and commit the wrong files.

  • Git save "Translation" and apply it whenever I want to use it. But I will have the same issue with messy git status where I have to choose which of my files I want to commit or not.

  • Create a new branch with my new feature on it, but as soon as I merge it with my working branch I will do the merge as the same time

Do you know any other workflow to save changelog across multiple files and apply / remove abstract changes?


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5 answers

Something like git-flow or gitlab-flow works very well.

From what I've read, I can conclude that your project has 2 modules and you are modifying both of them.

One module is stable, but you modified it anyway and want to test your changes more thoroughly, and another is work.

I would use your third option, but merge your work branch into a new feature branch.

Or, if you want to separate your modifications from the "stable" module, you can keep them in a separate branch.

That is, you get 3 branches:

  • Your work on a "unstable" module, a "stable" module without your last change;
  • your modifications to the "stable" module;
  • merge of the two above

Branching in git is cheap and easy, you can create any number of branches.



You can have your main local branch on a staging branch that tracks the remote branch. Then you report your commit from the main local branch to the tracking with cherry-set, and then you update your main local file to the updated tracking branch.



Save your local work-in-progress on a separate branch and push it.

  • This will allow you to commit the commits properly, rather than committing huge monsters at the end.
  • This will allow you to have a copy of your code on the server so that in the event of a disk failure or something similar, you don't lose your work.
  • This will allow others to see your code and preview it before deploying to production.

Deployment usually comes from a single branch. Unless you merge your changes into this branch (although you need to check it in your place), you are safe.



I would suggest a different idea.

  • Create other commits

  • Push only specific commits for mastery

  • Push another commit when you need to keep your git status from being messy. ( There won't be much tracked files in git because files are already committed


The procedure is already explained here:

How can I push a specific commit to the remote and not the previous commits?

how do you push only some of your local git commits?



Do the third option, create a new branch for your function.

You don't need to merge it into development until you're ready - instead of changing it, go into a function when you want to test.

  • To work with clean development code: check development.
  • To work with the new translator code: check the function and merge the latest changes from development.
  • When the function is complete: the merge goes into the function for the last time (if not already updated), then check out the design and merge function in it.


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