Optimizing fortran code with intel VTune analyzer
I am working with a fortran project to simulate vegetation dynamics. The code is slow, so I am always looking for ways to optimize it. I've read that there is a "rule" that says that typically 90% of the time is spent on 10% of the code. To find out about these bottlenecks, I started using the Intel VTune Performance Analyzer. Analysis of the simulation shows that a large amount of time is spent on certain parts of the code, as shown in the images . The following figure shows the most expensive part leaftw_derivs
Below is the code mentioned in the analysis.
!---- Update soil moisture and energy from transpiration/root uptake. ------------------!
if (rk4aux(ibuff)%any_resolvable) then
do k1 = klsl, mzg ! loop over extracted water
do k2=k1,mzg
if (rk4site%ntext_soil(k2) /= 13) then
! Transpiration happens only when there is some water left down to this !
! layer. !
if (rk4aux(ibuff)%avail_h2o_int(k1) > 0.d0) then
! Find the contribution of layer k2 for the transpiration from !
! cohorts that reach layer k1. !
ext_weight = rk4aux(ibuff)%avail_h2o_lyr(k2) / rk4aux(ibuff)%avail_h2o_int(k1)
wloss_tot = 0.d0
qloss_tot = 0.d0
wvlmeloss_tot = 0.d0
qvlmeloss_tot = 0.d0
do ico=1,cpatch%ncohorts
!----- Find the loss from this cohort. -------------------------------!
wloss = rk4aux(ibuff)%extracted_water(ico,k1) * ext_weight
qloss = wloss * tl2uint8(initp%soil_tempk(k2),1.d0)
wvlmeloss = wloss * wdnsi8 * dslzi8(k2)
qvlmeloss = qloss * dslzi8(k2)
! Add the internal energy to the cohort. This energy will be !
! eventually lost to the canopy air space because of transpiration, !
! but we will do it in two steps so we ensure energy is conserved. !
dinitp%leaf_energy(ico) = dinitp%leaf_energy(ico) + qloss
dinitp%veg_energy(ico) = dinitp%veg_energy(ico) + qloss
initp%hflx_lrsti(ico) = initp%hflx_lrsti(ico) + qloss
!----- Integrate the total to be removed from this layer. ------------!
wloss_tot = wloss_tot + wloss
qloss_tot = qloss_tot + qloss
wvlmeloss_tot = wvlmeloss_tot + wvlmeloss
qvlmeloss_tot = qvlmeloss_tot + qvlmeloss
end do
!----- Update derivatives of water, energy, and transpiration. ----------!
dinitp%soil_water (k2) = dinitp%soil_water(k2) - wvlmeloss_tot
dinitp%soil_energy (k2) = dinitp%soil_energy(k2) - qvlmeloss_tot
dinitp%avg_transloss(k2) = dinitp%avg_transloss(k2) - wloss_tot
end if
end if
end do
end do
end if
I have a very basic understanding of optimization, but I don't see what can be done here to improve the code. In particular, I do not understand what the Resignation Instructions mean and how it is done. Is there a way to speed up calculations?
After thinking a little, I realized that there are some simple optimizations here. For example, moving a conditional if (rk4aux(ibuff)%avail_h2o_int(k1) > 0.d0) then
outside the loop, as well as moving tl2uint8(initp%soil_tempk(k2),1.d0)
outside the innermost loop.
However, I cannot figure out the reason for the supposedly long time that VTune gives: 3 lines
dinitp%leaf_energy(ico) = dinitp%leaf_energy(ico) + qloss dinitp%veg_energy(ico) = dinitp%veg_energy(ico) + qloss initp%hflx_lrsti(ico) = initp%hflx_lrsti(ico) + qloss
just do the addition. It should be very fast, but instead the analyzer says it spends a lot of time there. Why is this so?
I rewrote the whole loop trying to optimize as much as I could. This is the code I came up with
!---- Update soil moisture and energy from transpiration/root uptake. ------------------!
if (rk4aux(ibuff)%any_resolvable) then
do k1 = klsl, mzg ! loop over extracted water
! Transpiration happens only when there is some water left down to this !
! layer. !
if (rk4aux(ibuff)%avail_h2o_int(k1) > 0.d0) then
wloss_tot_k1 = 0.d0
do ico=1,cpatch%ncohorts
!----- Integrate the total to be removed from this layer. ------------!
wloss_tot_k1 = wloss_tot_k1 + rk4aux(ibuff)%extracted_water(ico,k1)
end do
do k2=k1,mzg
if (rk4site%ntext_soil(k2) /= 13) then
do ico=1,cpatch%ncohorts
wloss = rk4aux(ibuff)%extracted_water(ico,k1) * ext_weight
uint_here1 = wloss * uint_here
dinitp%leaf_energy(ico) = dinitp%leaf_energy(ico) + uint_here1
dinitp%veg_energy(ico) = dinitp%veg_energy(ico) + uint_here1
initp%hflx_lrsti(ico) = initp%hflx_lrsti(ico) + uint_here1
end do
wloss_tot = wloss_tot_k1 * ext_weight
wvlmeloss_tot = wloss_tot * dslzi8(k2) * wdnsi8
qvlmeloss_tot = wloss_tot * dslzi8(k2) * uint_here
!----- Update derivatives of water, energy, and transpiration. ----------!
dinitp%soil_water (k2) = dinitp%soil_water(k2) - wvlmeloss_tot
dinitp%soil_energy (k2) = dinitp%soil_energy(k2) - qvlmeloss_tot
dinitp%avg_transloss(k2) = dinitp%avg_transloss(k2) - wloss_tot
end if
end do
end if
end do
end if
It's a bit long, so I don't expect people to go through with it. If I run the analyzer, I now get significantly reduced times (from 290 to 185, although the speed appears to be slightly slower in real simulators).
However, when looking at the sample, there is still a significant amount of time spent on operations and I would not expect "expensive". I still don't understand what deprecated instructions mean and how it's done. For now, I think that's enough, and I'm guessing that the correct way to further speed up would be to use openMP capabilities as Holmes suggests.
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