Creating a new file via Windows Powershell
To create a file using echo
echo some-text > filename.txt
C:\>echo This is a sample text file > sample.txt
C:\>type sample.txt
This is a sample text file
To create a file using fsutil
fsutil file createnew filename number_of_bytes
fsutil file createnew sample2.txt 2000
File C:\sample2.txt is created
01/23/2016 09:34 PM 2,000 sample2.txt
Fsutil can only be used by administrators. For non-admin users, it gets thrown below the error.
c:\>fsutil file /?
FSUTIL requires administrative privileges. C:>
Hope this helps!
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I am assuming you are trying to create a text file?
New-Item c:\scripts\new_file.txt -type file
Where "C: \ scripts \ new_file.txt" is the full path, including the file name and extension.
Taken from TechNet Article
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Street Smart (fast, messy, but works): (may modify the file and add an invisible character, which could cause the compiler to crash)
$null > file.txt
$null > file.html
Tutorial method:
New-Item -path <path to the destination file> -type file
New-Item -path "c:\" -type file -name "somefile.txt"
ni file.xt -type file
the absence of the -path parameter means it creates it in the current working directory
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Here's another way to create an empty text file in Powershell that allows you to specify the encoding.
First example
For an empty text file:
Out-File C:\filename.txt -encoding ascii
Without -encoding ascii
Powershell, it uses Unicode by default. You must specify ascii
if you want it to be readable or editable by another source.
We overwrite the file with new text:
"Some Text on first line" | Out-File C:\filename1.txt -encoding ascii
This replaces any text filename.txt
onSome Text on first line.
Adding text to the current content of the file:
"Some More Text after the old text" | Out-File C:\filename1.txt -encoding ascii -Append
The hint -Append
leaves the current content filename.txt
alone and appends Some More Text after the old text
to the end of the file, leaving the current content unchanged.
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