Highlighting Common-sense url in Ruby

Consider a URL embedded in plain text, such as http://example.com/ . Stack overflow is smart enough to know that I didn't want to include the period at the end as part of the URL, even though it .

is an undeserved character according to RFC 3986 .

Likewise, if I find http://example.org/ , Stack Overflow is smart enough to know that I didn't want to include the comma, even though it is a member of the class sub-delims

, ,

is a valid path character.

Ruby URI.extract()

, as suggested in this and this highly accepted answer, not like stack overflow.

2.2.5 :002 > URI.extract('...such as http://example.com/.')
 => ["http://example.com/."] 
2.2.5 :003 > URI.extract('Likewise, if I type http://example.org/, Stack Overflow...')
 => ["http://example.org/,"] 


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