Amadeus: Travel Build Request a Hotel Review 17 | session "no agreement on appointment"

I had problems with my trip amadeus ws travel Every time I tried to create a hotel reservation, I keep getting this error.

17 | session | no appointment agreement

Here is my code // curl url

$soapUrl = "";

 $xml_post_string = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:xsd='' xmlns:soap=''>
    <TripXML xmlns=''>
    <wmTravelBuild xmlns=''>
      <Source PseudoCityCode='JNBZA21ZZ' ISOCurrency='NGN'>
      <RequestorID Type='21' ID='RubyTravel'/></Source>
        <HotelReservation RoomStayReservation='1'>
                    <RoomRate BookingCode='Q4WTPQJ' NumberOfUnits='1' RatePlanCode='PRO'>
                    <GuestCount AgeQualifyingCode='ADT' Age='0' Count='1' />
                    <TimeSpan Start='2017-08-20' Duration='' End='2017-08-23' >
                    <Guarantee GuaranteeType='GuaranteeRequired'>
                        <PaymentCard CardType='Credit' CardCode='VI' CardNumber='4444333322221111' ExpireDate='0520'>
                        <CardHolderName>user User</CardHolderName>
                            <Address FormattedInd='false' Type='Home'>
                        <StreetNmbr>7300 NORTH KENDALL DRIVE</StreetNmbr>
                <DepositPayments> <RequiredPayment>
                        <PaymentCard CardType='Credit' CardCode='VI' CardNumber='4444333322221111' ExpireDate='0520'> <CardHolderName>user User</CardHolderName>
                            <Address FormattedInd='false' Type='Home'>
                                <StreetNmbr>7300 NORTH KENDALL DRIVE</StreetNmbr>
                 <BasicPropertyInfo ChainCode='HS' HotelCode='ATK' HotelCityCode='BKK' HotelCodeContext='1A' />
                    <ResGuestRPH RPH=''/>

                       <TravelerRefNumber RPH='1'/>
                      <Telephone PhoneLocationType='Home' CountryAccessCode='1'  FormattedInd='0' AreaCityCode='MIAMI' PhoneNumber='8789878954'/>
/// header for the curl function
     $headers = array(
    "POST /TripXML/wsTravelBuild_v03.asmx HTTP/1.1",
    "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8",
    "SOAPAction: "."",
    "POST /TripXML/wsLowFarePlus.asmx HTTP/1.1",
    "Content-Length: ".strlen($xml_post_string)
    $url = $soapUrl; // curl url
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xml_post_string);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    $reply = curl_exec($ch);


Anyone had this problem and could fix it, I used the same url to build travel for air and it works well, but when I submit a request to create a hotel reservation it keeps returning an error.


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1 answer

This error message means that your web service access is not configured to use this service. Either you need a new / updated WSDL or something is not configured correctly in Amadeus so that you can use this request



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