Open facebook page in facebook Ios + ionic app

Purpose: - Open facebook page url in facebook app

I am using ionic version 1.6

I have tried

<a ng-click="openFb()">   
    <img src="img/fb.png" alt="" width="auto" height="auto">


In my controller file, I have my function below.

$scope.openFb = function() {'fb://page/1372537532795807', "_system");


Above after searching, I found that if you want to open the page, you have to go through fb:://page[page_id]


But when I click the button, nothing happens without even opening the installed facebook app on my device.

Looking forward to some help.

Thank you for the advanced.


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1 answer

Solution: add url schemes to whitelist

Just open the .plist app (usually platform / ios // - Info.plist) with an editor and add the following code with the required schemas.



Apple changed the canOpenURL method on iOS 9. Apps validating URL schemes on iOS 9 and iOS 10 must declare those URL schemes as they are submitted to Apple. The article Quick Take on Changes to the iOS 9 URL Scheme details.

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