Cryptocurrency based on Hyperledger

Does Hyperledger Fabric support the ability to create a cryptocurrency, as Bitcoin / Ethereum is well aware of? I don't mean markers that I can chained code.


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2 answers

You can implement any business logic with Hyperledger Fabric networking code, which is essentially a simple program. Chaincode manages the ledger state of transactions presented by the application and ensures consistency between network partners.

Hyperledger Fabric currently supports networking code written in Go, and support for nodeJS and Java will be added in the future. The chaincode interface is defined as follows:

// Chaincode interface must be implemented by all chaincodes. The fabric runs
// the transactions by calling these functions as specified.
type Chaincode interface {
    // Init is called during Instantiate transaction after the chaincode container
    // has been established for the first time, allowing the chaincode to
    // initialize its internal data
    Init(stub ChaincodeStubInterface) pb.Response

    // Invoke is called to update or query the ledger in a proposal transaction.
    // Updated state variables are not committed to the ledger until the
    // transaction is committed.
    Invoke(stub ChaincodeStubInterface) pb.Response


So, you can implement your cryptocurrency in chain code. For some inspiration on how you can implement it, you can take a look at the following balance-transfer demo .



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