Aggregating Comma Separated Values ​​at Position

I have one table that has two columns with no credit and counter_value.

There is no comma separated list of stored values ​​against each credit.

declare @tbl table (loanno varchar(100) , counter_value varchar(200) )

insert into @tbl


I need to do the grouping according to the sum (sum) of the loan and the sum by counters. I need the output as shown below.

loanno  counter_value
pr0021  2000,600,800,390,1800,530



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2 answers

Since you have denormalized data, you first need to split this into columns, do the aggregation, and then recreate the separating column. There are many splitters out there, but here's my favorite for this type of thing. The main advantage of this splitter is that it returns the position of each value, which most other delimiters do not have.

Using this separator, you can do it like this.

with AggregateData as
    select t.loanno
        , s.ItemNumber
        , TotalValue = sum(convert(int, s.Item))
    from @tbl t
    cross apply dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(t.counter_value, ',') s
    group by t.loanno
        , s.ItemNumber

select ad.loanno
    , STUFF((select ',' + convert(varchar(10), ad2.TotalValue)
        from AggregateData ad2
        where ad2.loanno = ad.loanno
        order by ad2.ItemNumber
        FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '')
from AggregateData ad
group by ad.loanno




Sean was my first choice (+1).

However, if you have a known (or fixed) number of positions, consider the following:


Select A.loanno
      ,NewAggr  = concat(sum(Pos1),',',sum(Pos2),',',sum(Pos3),',',sum(Pos4),',',sum(Pos5),',',sum(Pos6))
 From  @tbl A
 Cross Apply (
                 Select Pos1 = n.value('/x[1]','int')
                       ,Pos2 = n.value('/x[2]','int')
                       ,Pos3 = n.value('/x[3]','int')
                       ,Pos4 = n.value('/x[4]','int')
                       ,Pos5 = n.value('/x[5]','int')
                       ,Pos6 = n.value('/x[6]','int')
                  From  (Select cast('<x>' + replace(A.counter_value,',','</x><x>')+'</x>' as xml) as n) X
             ) B
 Group By A.loanno



loanno  NewAggr
pr0021  2000,600,800,390,1800,530


If it helps with rendering, CROSS APPLY generates

enter image description here



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