Access denied to roslyn folder when compiling MVC project in VS 2017

After several debugging sessions, I can no longer compile the project.

Compilation gives several access errors like below error for some system assemblies related to roslyn bin folder:

Error MSB3021: Unable to copy file ... \ packages \ Microsoft.Net.Compilers.2.2.0 \ tools \ System.Collections.Immutable.dll "to" bin \ roslyn \ System.Collections.Immutable.dll ". Accessing the path 'bin \ roslyn \ System.Collections.Immutable.dll' is negated.

Restarting VS does not resolve. The project uses IIS express service to start and there is no IIS express delivery process.

Only the solution is reloaded.

I am using VS2017 Update 2


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2 answers

I am actually facing the same problem. In my case, it was VBCSCompiler.exe, which makes sense because "Roslyn" (found in the pathname) is the internal name of ".NET Compiler Platform". So I was able to fix the build issue by completing this process.

But this is just a workaround. I still don't know why the process keeps running and continues working on files after I stop debugging.



Update Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform to version 1.0.6 or later. You are referring to the link



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