Postgres jsonb_set multiple nested fields

I have a DB table with a jsonb column that has an entity, with nested children. Let's say we have:

SELECT jsonb_set('{"top": {"nested": {"leaf" : 1}}}', '{top,nested,leaf}', '2');

Which works great by updating top.nested.leaf

to 2.

But what if we want to make multiple fields, for example:

SELECT jsonb_set('{"top": {"nested": {"leaf" : 1}, "other_nested": {"paper": 0}}}', '[{top,nested,leaf}, {top,other_nested,paper}]', '[2, 2]');

The above doesn't work and says:

ERROR: malformed array literal: "[{top,nested,leaf}, {top,other_nested,paper}]" LINE 1: ...": {"leaf" : 1}, "other_nested": {"paper": 0}}}', '[{top,nes... ^ DETAIL: "[" must introduce explicitly-specified array dimensions.

Any ideas?


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1 answer

jsonb_set(target jsonb, path text[], new_value jsonb[, create_missing boolean])


neither the path nor the new value can have multiple values. you need to run it twice for the desired result, e.g .:

SELECT jsonb_set(
  '{"top": {"nested": {"leaf" : 1}, "other_nested": {"paper": 0}}}'
, '{top,nested,leaf}'
, '2'
SELECT jsonb_set(
  '{"top": {"nested": {"leaf" : 1}, "other_nested": {"paper": 0}}}'
, '{top,other_nested,paper}'
, '2'




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