Thymeleaf HashMap Display

This may be a stupid question, but I still cannot find an answer to it.

My Spring Boot App looks something like this:


public class Company {

public static final String URL_COMPANY = "";
private Long iD;
private String companyName;
public static Map<Long, Object> companyMap;

public Long getiD() {
    return iD;

public void setiD(Long iD) {
    this.iD = iD;

public String getCompanyName() {
    return companyName;

public void setCompanyName(String companyName) {
    this.companyName = companyName;

public String toString() {
    return companyName;




public class UrlController {

public String show(Model model) {

    HashMap<Long, Object> company = (HashMap<Long, Object>) Company.companyMap;
    model.addAttribute("companyID", company);
    return "success";



<h1>All Companies:</h1>

<table border="1">
    <tr th:each="mapEntry: ${companyID}">
        <td th:text="${mapEntry.key}"></td>
        <td th:text="${mapEntry.value}"></td>

<a th:href="@{/}">Homepage</a>


So my goal is to display a table filled with ID and company names. Although my model is receiving the map, I still cannot see it in my browser. The table is empty.

    <tr th:each="mapEntry: {1=Tire Systems, 2=IT Enterprise, 3=Car Manufacture, 4=Electro Market}">
        <td th:text=""></td>
        <td th:text=""></td>



This is what I get if I check the page source. So I can clearly see that the map is loaded but not displayed.

Also, the link to the "home page" doesn't work and I'm not sure why?

What am I missing? I am trying to populate a table with companies and then using the ID of those companies to show the materials attached to the company through that ID. Can I use hyperlinks in the table for Id?


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1 answer

So, you want to display the map. Your card's IF value is POJO. Try something like the following.

<tr th:each="mapEntry : ${companyID}">
    <td th:text="${mapEntry.key}">keyvalue</td>
    <td th:each="item : ${mapEntry.value}" th:text="${item.FIELD_NAME_OF_YOUR_POJO}">keyvalue</td>


This should work. What I was trying to show is possible. The iteration depends on your data structure. If you have a complex data structure, the iteration will change accordingly.

If your map value is a primitive or Java reference type, your current code should work. I followed similar code as yours and it worked without too much trouble. Please take a look -

 HashMap<Long, Object> company = new HashMap<>();
 company.put(1L, "Hello World");
 model.addAttribute("companyID", company);


If your map value is a custom java. Then follow the previous snippet.



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