Azure SQL Database Time Error

I have a .net application running on an Azure server that is configured for PST and it connects to an Azure SQL Server set to UTC. I use the getDate () function in many of my stored procedures. Moving to the time zone will be a critical issue and should keep them in sync. Using the DateAdd (hour, -8, getDate ()) function ignores daylight savings time. I was wondering if there is a better way to handle this.


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1 answer

Change all columns datetime

to columns datetimeoffset(7)

. These columns store time zone information with date and time.

Then change your calls GETDATE()



Finally, you can convert the stored time information using the keyword AT TIME ZONE


         [Time] AT TIME ZONE 'Pacific Standard Time' AS PstTime
FROM     TheTable


  • I tried to store the values datetime

    always in UTC (or any other arbitrary zone) and ALWAYS run problems. After switching to datetimeoffset(7)

    almost all of my problems were resolved.


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