Java8 functional interface to handle callback

I have a general private method that does common tasks and is used by other methods. The general method has the conditions if

and else

to support other methods caused. Example:

private void myGenericMethod(String name, int age){
  common task1;
  common task2;
  if(name!= null && name.length > 0){
     specific task 1;
     specific task 2;
  } else{
     specific task 3;
     specific task 4;
  if(age > 18){
     specific task 1`;
     specific task 2`;


I want to use Java 8 lambda and I created a functional interface called Invoker

using method invoke


public interface Invoker{
  public void invoke()


Now my generic method looks like this, and the public method handles the callback function callback appropriately:

private void myGenericMethod(Invoker invoker){
  common task1;
  common task2;


Is there a functional interface in the JDK that I can use instead of building this interface myself?


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4 answers

The package java.util.function

does not contain a functional interface with a method that does not require any parameters and returns void

. But you can use . Runnable

private void myGenericMethod(Runnable runnable){
    common task1;
    common task2;
    //consider checking if runnable != null to avoid NPE;


Then the call will look pretty simple:

myGenericMethod(() -> {
    //do something fancy
    System.out.println("Hello, world!");


Other options

There are other functional interfaces that may interest you, for example:

Why is there no alternative for the interface Runnable


Using an interface Runnable

for a lambda that doesn't return anything, and doesn't expect any parameters to seem controversial to many programmers. Runnable

was invented to run code on a separate thread, and many programmers identify this class with multithreading. Even the documentation says:

The interface Runnable

must be implemented by any class whose instances are intended to be executed by a thread.

Someone already asked a similar question 2 years ago, and if you watch this comment and Brian Goetz's reaction to it, you will realize that the Java language designers have come to the conclusion that there is no need to create another functional interface that mimics the interface implementation Runnable




It is also possible to use Consumer<Void>

. It might look like this

public void init(Consumer<Void> callback) {

init((Void) -> done());




You need an interface Runnable


It has a method run

that is similar to your method invoke


Feel free to use this though if you think yours is Invoker

more readable in your particular situation. Perhaps you are using something that says "invoke x" is more natural than "run x". Just remember to annotate yours Invoker

with @FunctionalInterface

so you can use lambdas with it.



I suggest using Consumer as your callback interface. Comparing it to JavaScript, callbacks are scoped. Therefore, if you are using the Consumer interface, you can pass the scope as a parameter to the function. Example:

public void startTracer(String tracerName, Event boundEvent) {
    executeOnTracer(tracer -> tracer.startTracer(tracerName, boundEvent));
private void executeOnTracer(Consumer<Tracer> callback) {
    TracerController tracer = null;
    if (isTracerActive()) {
        tracer = getTracer();




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