Observable transformation

I'm very new to observables, this might be a silly question for others, but I can't seem to find a way to do this. How to convert Observable<Array<T>>

where T

is a TypeScript class with a property Id(string)

to Array<string>

? I want to convert properties Id

to an array of strings.


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2 answers

You are trying to do 2 things here:

  • Flatten all arrays from the original array into one observable T

  • Match each instance of the property T


You can use mergeAll

to flatten the observable as you would use reduce

in a normal JS array.

const source = Rx.Observable.of(
  [{ Id: '1' }, { Id: '2' }],
  [{ Id: '3' }, { Id: '4' }]

const flattened = source.mergeAll();

flattened.subscribe(s => console.log(s));
// => {Id:'1'}, {Id:'2'}, {Id:'3'}, {Id:'4'}


Then you can use map

(as with a normal JS array) to retrieve the propertyId

const mapped = flattened.map(s => s.Id);

mapped.subscribe(s => console.log(s))
// => '1', '2', '3', '4'


Pull it all into 1 operator and ...

  .map(s => s.Id)
  .subscribe(s => console.log(s))

// => '1', '2', '3', '4'




You can use the reduction operator similar to javascript array. The RxJS abbreviation operator will run on the entire thread when completed.

See example:

 let data$ = new Rx.Subject();

    .reduce((acc, el) => {acc.push(...el); return acc;}, [])

  data$.next([{id:'1'}, {id:'2'}]);
  data$.next([{id:'3'}, {id:'4'}]);




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