How to use async and wait in a method that is comsuming time

I have a way like this:

public void ButtonClicked()
     var MyResult=MyTimeConsumingTask(MyClassProperty); 


As you can see, it blocks the UI thread.

I can create a backgroundWorker and run this method on that background thread, but I want to see if using Async and Await helps me to make it easier.

This does not work:

public async void ButtonClicked()
    await var MyResult=MyTimeConsumingTask(MyClassProperty); 


How can i do this?

I like to know the general solution, but also noting that MyimeConsumingTask is waiting for some data on the network, how can I solve the problem?


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1 answer

To be able to wait MyTimeConsumingTask

, it must be declared to return a Task.

public async Task<SimeType> MyTimeConsumingTask()


Since you said it does some network I / O, you can rewrite it with NW IO async methods and then wait for it like

var MyResult = await MyTimeConsumingTask(MyClassProperty);


But in your case, the simplest approach seems to be using Task.Run

var MyResult = await Task.Run(() => MyTimeConsumingTask(MyClassProperty)); 


Comparison of these two approaches:


public async Task<string> GetHtmlAsync(string url)
    using (var wc = new Webclient())
        var html = await wc.DownloadStringTaskAsync(url);
        //do some dummy work and return
        return html.Substring(1, 20);

var str1 = await GetHtmlAsync("");



public string GetHtml(string url)
    using (var wc = new Webclient())
        var html = wc.DownloadString(url);
        //do some dummy work and return
        return html.Substring(1, 20);

var str2 = await Task.Run(()=>GetHtml(""));


I would prefer the first option, but the second is easier to use if it already works and it is difficult to change the method.



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